Thursday, May 27, 2010

They arrived! Here Is A Sneak Peek!!

Yesterday the big brown truck stopped in front of my house!!! Up walked the man in the brown clothes with the brown package. It was a large round, soft package. I was so excited because I knew it was the “Cushions”! I could not get the wrapping off quickly enough. I squealed and did a happy dance.  I took the cushion outside to my porch and placed it in the chair. It is the perfect fit! Whew! That is a good thing. I stepped back and took a look to get a view of the whole picture. Perfection!! It looks just like I wanted it to look. Here is a sneak peek of the cushion….
NEW CHAIR CUSHIONS 006 (600x800)
I promise I will show you the complete porch. I just have some sprucing up to do. I have some flowers in the pots that need to be changed out to some fresh flowers. I was just so excited I had to come here and share with you all. It is so fun to have like minded people that get as excited as I do about the little details of decorating our homes. I just love blog land and all you wonderful creative minds out there. Thank you for letting me share in my excitement with you throughout the week.
“Enjoy the Process” Of: Seeing a plan come to fruition.


  1. I love the black cushion with the white piping! I can't wait to see the rest of the reveal.

  2. Hi cityfarmer, You can get them from Mine are round boxed double contrast welt for $59 a piece. I can not stress enough how well made these are and it is Sunbrella fab. I am on a black and white high!! Kathysue

  3. Lookin good lady! Have a fabulous holiday weekend.

  4. Oh, that already looks wonderful! Love the piping!
    xoxo Pattie

  5. Can't wait! I know it is going to be gorgeous!


  6. Love them! These just scream your name, and yes, you HAD to have them :) Can't wait to see everything finished. Hugs, Kat

  7. Oh I can't WAIT to see it all!!!! HURRY...but have a GREAT weekend! XO, Pinky

  8. Kathysue, I could feel you doing the happy dance all the way in Ga. Can't wait to see all of the porch.

  9. LOVE black & white! Can't wait for the reveal.

    Have a wonderful weekend ~

  10. I Sooo get it Kathysue! The girls will tell you that most everytime we complete an install I am heard to say something like "It's really great when it works!". I'm always grateful that the vision in my head really matches the finished product. Can't wait to see the 'Big Picture' so I can OOOHHHH and AHHHHH !

  11. LOVE the cushions! Can not wait to see the whole porch! also... loved your comment today. I need to get me some yoga pants! ha!
    Have a pretty night,

  12. pillows, packages, porch lights and ups....hmmmm hurry up and show us....

  13. Kathysue: When you say: "It is so fun to have like minded people that get as excited as I do about the little details of decorating our homes. I just love blog land and ..:" It is sooo true. It has been so wonderful to "meet" people who share so many of the same things!

  14. Oooh! I love the shape and the piping on those pillows!! Can't wait to see your porch completed. So exciting to finally have a space done, hey?? I still have one to many rooms in need of being completed, but it is fun to continually add things and get excited about it!

  15. Oh Kathysue they turned out beautifully!!
    I'm so happy for you :)


I would love to hear from you, Kathysue