Sunday, March 28, 2010



Happy Sunday to you all!! It has been a beautiful weekend in California and we have spent time out in the back yard planting and putting a clear coat on our Great Wall (fence) I saw these two tables that I think would look great outside and wanted to make sure you all had a chance to see them.............
I love the green mosaic top, this would look so great out in the sun!! You can get it here for $99. I thought that was a great price for a metal coffe table with a mosaic top. This would be a good way to add a pop of color on the patio.

What a darling bistro table.  It has the same mosaic top but in blue. This would look really nice around a pool area. It is also $99

Love this umbrella with the embroidered decorative edge. This would make anyone feel special to be shaded by this beauty.

If you are still in the garden after it gets dark, just turn these little lanterns on for some wonderful ambient light. You can get these for only $14.99 at Cost Plus!!

"Enjoy the Process" Of: Finding some lovelies to beautify your yard.



  1. oooh, thank you! it is FINALLY nice and sunny here, us folks down here in Texas still can't believe that 7 days ago we had 4 inches of snow in our yards! CRAZY. So we are all ready for tulips and spring time in A BIG WAY.i can't wait to see the end result of all your hard work in your GORGEOUS yard. I can only imagine. :)

  2. You do always find the neatest things. I really need to get busy in my yard. The weeds are definitely taking over. I just can't seem to have enough hours in a day. Thanks for the great ideas. Hope you are having a super day. Hugs, Marty

  3. Our temps are supposed to get up into the 60's this week. Yay!! Thanks for the great tips. I am looking for some furniture for our bedroom balcony and a bistro table fits the bill.

    Hey~~ I need some decorating advice and would love to have some from you. Please visit when you have a chance...


  4. LOVE that umbrella! Great finds!
    xoxo Pattie

  5. These are great colors! I use them often in my home, and they just make you plain ole' smile:) I believe I remember your space from RMS....awhile back though:) take care and have a great night!

  6. Where is the Umbrella from? I love that!

  7. YUMMY !!! I am such a green person...

    Love those lanterns...great $$$

    I am headed out to CA Kathysue for a little visit..looking forward to it :)

    All the best,
    Kathy :)

  8. Hi Kathysue....I looked up that umbrella...although it would go perfect and I adore would not withstand the elements of my backyard......I think it would last about a week and not hold is gorgeous though and I thank you for the info....Have a great day!


I would love to hear from you, Kathysue