Saturday, March 20, 2010


I was doing a little browsing with a friend at Target yesterday trying to find the perfect sheets for the girl bed in the playroom.(I found them I  will show you in a later post) While going up and down the aisles I ran across a pillow that stopped me in my tracks!! It was sunny yellow and it was a Chinoiserie pattern. Be still my heart. It does not work in my house right now but Ladies it is on sale for only $16.99. Look at this pretty pillow............
You can find it here if you are interested in getting it.
I was thinking if they have this pillow what other goodies do they have so I found a few fun things for those of you that love a good price with style...........

I have to get this for my porch!! You can find it here for the great price of $16.99
If you would like something to co-ordinate with it try this one.........

You can find it here by Dwell Studio for Tarjay (Target!)

I can not do a post featuring Tarjay without mentioning Liberty of London which just arrived in stores this week. I found some cute dishes that would look great with the black ,white and yellow pillows for the patio. Check these out........

I actually think I had a cute little shift in high school made out of the black background print, I wonder what ever happened to that dress? Sorry, back to the dishes, you can find these right here

One more little cutie that just sang "Spring!" to me......

What a darling door mat for your Spring Guest. You can get it here by Smith and Hawken for only $19.99

Have a wonderful Sunny , Springy weekend. Happy 1st day of Spring!

"Enjoy the Process" Of: Thinking of nothing but Spring thoughts



  1. I saw the dishes the other day and was very tempted.

    Looking forward to more about the playroom.

  2. I am going to check out those dishes! Thanks, Kathysue!
    xoxo Pattie

  3. Thanks for the info, Kathysue. I love that stuff, but especially the door mat.

  4. Kathysue, you do find the cutest pillows ever. Love them. I need to stop into Target more often. I usually forget that sometimes they have the neatest things. Love the yellow ones. Gorgeous. Hope you have a super day. Love ya. Hugs, Marty

  5. Gotta love Target! They must have really savvy buyers because they have been on the cutting edge of design for several years now. LOve the black, white and yellow. It really says sophisticated spring!

  6. Hi Kathysue, love, love, love the yellow pillow. The dishes look fun.. hope to make a trip to Tarjay soon..need a day away just to have fun... hope you're having a good w/k..hugs ~lynne~

  7. Happy first day of Spring to you too! I must have the worst Target of all! We never get anything half as cute as that yellow pillow! Or, we do, and I just get there after its all gone...oh well.

  8. Kathysue,
    Absolutely love, love, love, the first pillow. I just can't think of a place for it...but I'm still thinking. Rita

  9. Hooray for Spring and hooray for bargains! Very pretty bargains KS. laurie

  10. Hi Kathysue! Thanks for the sale alert! Love that first yellow pillow! And your cutie pie's fairy garden looks so pretty on your blog! And...I see that you are focusing in on green paint. Reminds me of my eternal search for my guest room color! lol Sorry to be so late in commenting. I've been in babyland and I am pooped! Excitied about coming events!...hugs...Debbie

  11. freezing in Houston - soooo ready for hot weather!!!!
    loved our srt comment.

  12. freezing in Houston - soooo ready for hot weather!!!!
    loved our srt comment.

  13. I have a great today for finding new blogs that are wonderful. Like yours! I like your posts and your finds, and how you put them together. Regards, Anna

  14. Love the pillows Kathysue, the black and white and yellow just screams summer to me. And those dishes are great. I have a feeling we'll be seeing alot of those on Thursday in blogland soon :) Hugs, Kat


I would love to hear from you, Kathysue