Sunday, March 21, 2010


Hello, My name is Kathysue and I am a "Pillow Addict!"

Don't laugh I know I am not alone in this somewhat harmless addiction. I have to confess I bought 3 new pillows this week. Two for the play room re-do, so those were almost a NEED, right? I got one from TJMaxx for my backyard that is to die-for. You know how I love little birds and black and white. This pillow has both. It has a bird embroidered no-less, and it has a black embroidered number and a letter. How could I resist it? Here I will show you and you be the judge........

Can you believe this pillow!! All the detailing is embroidered! Just look at the wonderful colors! How could I pass this up.  Here is a little background. I actually saw this on Monday and I did not purchase it , trying so hard to resist the urge to buy yet again another pillow. I went to bed thinking about it and I woke up thinking about it. I could resist NO MORE!! I ran to TJ Maxx holding my breath(Now, I didn't really run and I really didn't hold my breath, just a little drama for effect)! They only had two and I just knew someone else saw the beauty in this wonderful pillow, Would it still be there? It was and now it is MINE!!!(evil laugh)!
So my dear blogging friends, can you understand why I had to get it?

I am showing you this picture to show you the beauty BEHIND the lovely, perfect bird pillow. This is actually a dog pillow for the floor,but my kiddo's love laying on these to watch TV. How could I possibly pass up this extra-large pillow with wonderful detailed stitching that goes in line with the quilt and, it is the perfect shade of green. It gets even better! it was on clearance for $15.00 Unbelieveable, right?
 I did not stop there. I had a fun shopping day with a dear friend looking for sheets for the playroom girl's bed. I already told you I went into Tarjay. Well, there it was the perfect pillow to go with the Boy's bedding. I could not have designed it any better myself. This pillow was also embroidered with just the hint of black and white. Here it is in all it's glory..........

Can you believe how perfect this pillow is?! The touch of the black welt and the blanket stitching in black around the white embroidery of the design, well I rest my case. It is just too perfect for words. Look at a close-up of the detailing..........

So dear readers do you agree? Don't you think I did what I had to do and that was to buy all three perfect pillows for my home?
Please agree and leave a comment! I am going to use this to prove to Hubby that you all agreed with me. They say there is safety in numbers.

"Enjoy the Process" Of : Admitting to an addiction and doing absolutely nothing to prevent it from happening.

Btw: I think I might have a problem with mirrors and lamps too. More on that later.


  1. What's a girl to do? Some Pillows just have to come home with you.

  2. Addiction and Designer are synonyms!! Of course, you had to have them. It's like the perfect piece of jewelry for the new outfit. Loose no more sleep, my dear. In the bigger scheme of things, a $15 pillow trumps $$$kitchen remodel every time. Look at how much money you saved!
    Fun post always....

  3. Well, of course you had to buy them. They were too cute to pass up. ;)

  4. Kathysue, you are just tooooooooo funny. I love all of your pillows. You do have some gorgeous ones, and since that is such an inexpensive way to totally change a room, then how in the world could anyone not agree that you really needed them. I can even see some of these in your family room. So since they are so versatile, you really did save a lot of money. Right? They really do look perfect. Hugs, Marty

  5. You did exactly what you had to do, Kathysue.:-) I love the pillows and I love the idea of the dog bed as floor pillow! Brilliant!

  6. SCORE one for the home team!!!!!!!!!!
    You did good my friend... real good!

  7. Kathysue, being a pillow addict myself I conquer. You HAD to get those pillows. Love everyone of them.

  8. Of course you had to! They were made for your home and just waiting for you!
    xoxo Pattie

  9. oh miss kathysue. we are from the same womb aren't we? gawd. pillows are my ultimate problem. i have way too many yet, i cant part with a single one...

    and yes. mirrors too
    happy sunday girlfriend!

  10. Adorable! Oh how I've missed all the fun posts from you this past week! I'm off to go catch up on what else you've been up to...All the pillows are great. missed u!

  11. That bird pillow is tdf! So cute. I have the same addictions, but they are victimless crimes!

  12. Perfectly alright, would be flattered! :) thx!

  13. Hi Kathysue,
    A girl can never have too many pillows! And especially the one she is dreaming about! LOL

    Pillow talk is one of my favorite subjects, just look at my blog and you will see.

    Love the parrot pillow.


  14. Oh I do love Pillows...these ones are adorable. That parrot is the sweetest thing ever. xoxo Happy new week to you and thank you so much for visiting me.

  15. You're right about these pillows, Kathysue; they're must haves!! And I have to tell you... that photo of the mannequin made me laugh out loud!

    Thanks for dropping by DesignTies today... and for your positive comments about my work. I appreciate it!!


  16. Honey, you're "preaching to the choir!" I have a "problem with pillows too, but also lamps, chandeliers, plates, pottery, bed linens, rugs, etc. - did I leave anything out!? I'm so glad you bought all three pillows. Of course you had to have them. They are all three wonderful and now they are yours! (evil laugh!)

  17. I'm with you Kathysue- my hubby can't stand all of my pillows but that doesn't stop me. :)
    Love your new finds, they're fabulous!

  18. Ok friend, where did you find the green and white pillows (the ones I think on your sons bed)? Was that Target too? I love that pattern...I have a pillow like it my family room but wouldllove to know where you found those!

  19. Love the parrot pillow! Wish I could embroider like that!

    Hope you had a great weekend!

  20. I have the exact same addictions, but in the following order : lamps, pillows and then mirrors. Viva TJ Maxx & Homegoods!

  21. Me! I'm also raising my hand for the pillow addiction. HeHe! Yours are goreous Kathysue.

    Happy Spring sweet friend! ~Melissa :)

  22. Great pillow!!!!. I love TJMAX. I have one about 3 miles away. I go all the time. Kathy

  23. Me too!!! I'm now buying the covers, not that it's any better :)
    Take care-
    PS thanks for all your kind comments

  24. A pillow addiction is perfectly acceptable. Pillows are a great way to perk up a room without dropping a lot of dough!

    (And your finds are fab; you had no choice but to buy them!)

  25. That is an amazing pillow! Wow, $15...great score! It looks like a pillow from Anthropologie, right? The other pillows are quite fab too! I too, love pillows! I laughed when I read you are addicted to lamps and mirrors too...I think I love everything pertaining to the home!

  26. love the parrot pillow! so fresh and pretty!

    Jaithan + Eddie

  27. Hi Kathysue, you are just toooo funny. I love your pillows. The parrot pillow is just too fun. Now, I have alot of addictions... have to say the pillow one hasn't attacked me "yet"..
    hugs ~lynne~

  28. It seems we have the same addiction.

  29. I suffer from a similar addiction. . . as well as one with lamps, rugs, frames, etc :) I do love that bird pillow!

    Thanks for all of your sweet comments on my blog,


  30. I can even see some of these in your family room. So since they are so versatile, you really did save a lot of money. Right? They really do look perfect.
    free internet jobs

  31. you are gonna die...I just bought that SAME pillow (bird one) last week.....


I would love to hear from you, Kathysue