Saturday, March 13, 2010


I have a few elements to show you that I am thinking about using in the playroom. These are all just possibilities. Some will work and others might not make the cut, however, I like to pull together what I like and then work them into the puzzle where possible. I am showing you a bed that I had in my file and really planned on getting, it but I missed out.  It was on sale and is no longer available.  When things like that happen I like to think there is something better out there for me. So back to square one on the bed. Here is what I was planning on using, it is a trundle which is what I really need..........

Would this have been perfect or what? was on half price for $199! Oh well! So goes life!

My Kiddos love laying on the floor so I am thinking these floor cushions would also be a good idea.

I am crazy about letters and I thought a grouping of letters might be another nice option. Probably in all white.

I saved this photo for the lamp shade. Isn't this a darling idea?

I love this window seat designed by Ann Spiro. I have a window in the middle of the wall and space on each side that I planned on putting book shelves. I have to see if Hubby can build this for me. Did I tell you Hubby is a very handy fellow? Handy, but not always willing, if you know what I mean. I also love the rug used here.

I think some silhouettes or even letters peaking out from the bookshelves would look really cute. I loved this idea.

I would also like to have some custom silhouettes made of my kiddos. I am thinking of using either white background with the colored silhouette or the colored background with white silhouettes. This is all up for debate in my brain. As I get more elements together the answer will come to me.

For the walls I ran across this next piece on a blog and I am sorry to say I don't remember which blog but I really liked the idea of putting our last name on this piece.

You can actually customize it and choose all of your own colors. I think this would make a wonderful gift for a new baby, don't you? I will not have this done until the very last. The reason I will wait is because the colors I use in this piece will be very important to the room. I do not want it to get too busy. After it is all put together I will be able to tell which colors will work best.

I really like the wainscotting and the bright splash of green, which is very close to the color I am choosing. I might have to do a little arm twisting to get Hubby to agree to this treatment since it will envolve more work for him.

 This is just another layer of the process of the re-do of the playroom. I have already realized I need to make a change with the room.  After looking at the picture of the girls bedding I have decided the sheets just are not working. They just appear a little too cutesy and young. Remember I am making this for a Big Girl not a little girl, my how fast they grow-up. Kind of sad but I digressed.  Back to the sheets. Upon further thinking I am going to shop for something different. You see we all do trial and error. In the design process it is not always a slam-dunk the first time around. It is a trial and error and sometimes it is live with it for awhile and see if it grows on you or if it has to Go!! Next element to find is a rug. I am off to look at Dash and Albert rugs.  I am thinking a stripe will work, what do you think?

I hope you are enjoying this little journey with me as I plan the Re-do of my playroom.

"Enjoy the Process" Of :
 Figuring out your own design path of your next room re-do.



  1. Kathysue, from the pictures you always post, I can tell your house must be a very happy place! I love these ideas
    xoxo Pattie

  2. Kathysue, I love all the ideas you are considering. I know what you mean about the hubby is a great handyman, but not always willing. I would love to have beadboard wainscotting added to the powder room. He is not willing though. I may have to try the wallpaper version. I love those Dash and Albert rugs. I have a few small ones. I think those would look great. Can't wait to see the finished room.

  3. You always have the best ideas, and then they do turn out so wonderful. I like all of your ideas. I just know it will be a gorgeous room. Hugs, Marty

  4. Kathy, what a fun space this will be for the grandkids! I love the colors and all the great ideas. Hope you have it finished when we're there this summer, cause I can't wait to see it finished! Love ya, Vicki

  5. So many great ideas, KathySue. I am sure whichever you pick will be perfect...Christine

  6. ~WOW! Kathysue I love the monogram wall! How precious that would be. The round gingham cushions are also adorable. :)

  7. Fabulous inspiration! Loving the cutwork bed and those cushions are so cute! Have a sweet day!

  8. You have a lot of inspiration here, Kathysue. I like the room where you are eyeing the lampshades. It really is an interesting room with lots of different elements that take a moment to blend. I really like this room.

    Good luck with the playroom!


  9. Great inspiration pics and glad you are enjoying the process!
    Have a good weekend,

  10. hi there. just found your blog. so inspired by all the beautiful photos.

    keep sharing!

  11. Kathysue, you've got some great inspiration photos here. I LOVE the window seat wall, it adds alot of interest to the room and what a great storage solution. But I must admit my favorite thing are those little silhouettes peeking out between the books - genius! Hugs, Kat

  12. Love all these, especially the letters and silhouettes

  13. Love all of these Kathysue...what a fun room it will be...Hugs and smiles Gl♥ria

  14. Hi Kathysue...I'm with Kat...those little critters peeking out are the cutest thing I've seen! I enjoyed your pretties post, too! I've been with Baby A and I am pooped! Have a great week!...hugs...Debbie

  15. Thank you for mentioning our Made By Girl customized kids print. :)


I would love to hear from you, Kathysue