Friday, March 12, 2010


I don't know about you, but I have many files of saved pictures with certain titles. You know windows, fireplaces, stripes etc, etc?  I have one file that is marked, "Just Pretty."  It does not fit into any particular category, however, when I saw it for the first time, I said to myself, "That is just pretty." I thought I would share a few of those images with you today.........

Romantic Homes Magazine

As I posted all of these images, I realized they all are soft whites, pinks and blues...interesting!

Do you find images with these colors "just pretty"?
If you were to gather a group of pictures together that felt,"Just Pretty."  What would they look like?

"Enjoy the Process" Of: Finding your own, "Pretty"



  1. it's quite frightening when you find a mind that works like your own...I have at least half of these photos in my own file titled 'just pretty'!!!!Image 3 is also in bedroom file and image 9 also in my pink file (so I can't lose them). They are the 2 that I will have to copy in someway, somewhere.

  2. Sometimes we all need something "just pretty". I am loving these bedrooms
    xoxo Pattie

  3. Just my mind - just my style - just perfect! Thanks, Jennifer stop by sometime! jennsthreegraces

  4. Yes, those are very pretty. I love the rooms with the twin beds. I am always drawn to those even though I have never done a room like that before.

  5. Very pretty indeed. Although I don't have white furniture, my accent colors in my living room are white, blue and pink. I adore pastels. And I love the chandelier in the first picture. I need to start a pretty file!!


  6. The top photo is "just gorgeous!"

    I will definitely be adding a Just Pretty file to my stash.

  7. They are so pretty. Part of me wants to have all white...... sigh, I just can't do it. I love color !!

  8. you know, I"ve had an inkling to paint a room a soft pink lately. At least these images let me enjoy it if I don't ever get around to doing it myself. Also, the twin beds w/ the duvet that drops to the floor is *FABULOUS*!!

  9. Kathysue, they are all pretty. They all remind me of you. Soft and femenine. Beautiful. Hope you have a great weekend. Hugs, Marty

  10. One picture was prettier then the other I loved them all!! Thanks for sharing and have a great weekend. Martina

  11. I can just hear you saying "Just Pretty" and that's exactly what they are!
    Happy Friday Kathysue
    How was your Spring Fling? Did you ever find your yellow purse?

  12. I love each and every one of these images! Most definitely pretty :)
    Thanks for the inspiration!


  13. Yes...I do. I think the title for you file is perfect. These are all, "just pretty" and make me want to throw away all my browns and start over!

  14. Beauty comes in many forms... thank you for your faith and grace through HIM ...this is for you "Let us be grateful to people who make us happy; they are gardeners who make our souls blossom." Marcel Proust Jennifer

  15. They are all very pretty!


  16. YUP.....very pretty

    Have a nice week-end Kathysue

    Kathy :)

  17. These are just pretty! I think my collection of "just pretty" would be similar in color palette, but maybe more towards a sparser, Belgian style. The type of thing I could never pull off in "real life" but that I'm always attracted to when I'm searching for something pretty and serene.

  18. It's all pretty, but I love the bedroom with those wonderful twin beds and chandelier. Love the chandelier--of course!

  19. I think we pick alot of the same images to put in our own files. I have a few of these in mine as well. I tend to always go for the white cottage look, and I don't have alot of white in my own home, so what does that say about me...Thanks for all the eye candy today.

  20. Very pretty, Kathysue! I have a pretty file as well....guess bloggers think alot alike! I love the cottage look, although that's not really me, but I always love it when it's done well. Sorry I haven't checkin in with you much this week....really crazy week, but I've read your blog all week...wouldn't miss it! Thanks for taking the time to comment on mine. I really appreciate it! Have a great weekend.

  21. I love all you're pretties, Kathysue! I'm really drawn to the cottage look although, I know I need to live with more color around me. I've been running like a crazy person all week, and I've been reading your posts in my reader, so forgive me for not leaving comments. You inspired me to think of spring in my blog. So glad it's almost here! Have a great weekend.

  22. So many pretty pics! I love the first pic with that beautiful chandelier and gorgeous big mirrors! Have a sweet day!

  23. These are just beautiful Kathysue. My favorite is that white bedroom with the dark hardwood floor, just sigh worthy. Hugs, Kat

  24. beautiful! have always had the first saved, but had not seen the second last -- so pretty! also wanted to say thank you for your wonderful comment last week -- so lovely -- thanks so much!



I would love to hear from you, Kathysue