Friday, January 22, 2010


My philosophy is that it is more important how a house feels than how it looks. We can all make a room look lovely. We can copy a picture in a magazine or buy everything out of a vignette in a store. However, to make a Home feel a certain way is , in my mind, Great Design.  In my experience, how a house feels to those who enter, is what makes it a Home, not just a well decorated House. One of the important things a Home should have in it are things that stimulate the senses: Sight, Smell, Touch, Hearing and Taste.


I posted this room yesterday in my Color post. This room is very pleasing to my eye.
I know this will be subjective--what is pleasing to one is not pleasing to everyone.  Generally speaking, a well appointed, tidy home is pleasing to most. If it is night time or the winter months a nice roaring fire is always an inviting sight. Candles will be pleasing to the eye and the nose if they have a delicate scent.


Scents for the home will always be to the homeowner's taste.  Just make sure it is a pleasant scent and not over powering to your visitors.  The scents above were found on a great blog  A Gift Wrapped Life. She is actually having a give away on these beautiful frangrances for the home by Charlotte Moss. Fresh flowers that have lovely scents are pleasing to the eye and the nose.  Paper whites, roses, lilacs just to name a few. Try to stay away from the large bags of potpourri that are artificial smelling and over powering.


Having soft and inviting textures in your home will only add to its appeal to all who enter.


The soft sound of a trickling fountain outside an open window

Soft music playing in the background can help make a home have a wonderful atmosphere.


Offer your guest a simple cup of tea or a cool glass of water with lemon.
It doesn't have to be anything fancy, just welcoming.

I would love if you would share some of the ways you  make your house a Sense-sational HOME

"Enjoy the Process" of: Filling your HOME with items that stimulate the Senses



  1. Hi Sue, it looks like I already have the ones you suggested here. What do you think of plug ins? I have plugged in the middle of the house. I really like the first picture of the room you showed. I especially like the iron gate or trellis touch on the wall....Christine

  2. Great post! I always forget there's so much more to a pleasing room! In practice though, I always have music playing, candles burning or a plug-in thing on the wall, not to mention diet coke ready to be sipped!

    Oh and yellow meant: "You are very perceptive and smart. You are clear and to the point and have a great sense of humor. You are always learning and searching for understanding." Pretty true I'd say!

  3. Hi C, Most of the plug-ins are a little artificial smelling to me. I do like one by Yankee Candle Co. called Citrus Sage. On low it seems to leave a very pleasant fragrance. I think if you like it you should use it, but when in doubt, Don't!! Thanks for the good question! Kathysue

  4. Erin, it souonds as if you are really on top of things in your home. I always have music plaing also and I have my ligts on even in the daytime. I can see that yellow fits your personality perfectly. Thank you for letting me know the results of your quiz. Fun!!

  5. I can't tell you how much I'm enjoying the Good Life of Design! I'm truly enjoying the process of each and every post! Your blog is fabulous and addicting...I look forward to seeing what you will be posting about each and every day!!



  6. Jaithan and so agree with you!!! you have to make a house a home!!! big hug and thank you for all of your support!!!!
    Eddie + Jaithan

  7. Love this post! You have a great blog! I´m off to explore it.
    Have a great day!

  8. This is a wonderful post. I think I have the bases covered. I love to light a candle on the kitchen counter (my house is very open) and the smell carries through the rest of the house. I'm funny about smells, I get migraines. I can't do florals...I stick with vanilla, sugar cookie, apple...etc. I love a soft throw, a clean fireplace (we miss having one) but a small fountain on the deck when it is warm enough.


  9. The first photo is absolutely beautiful in my eyes....I'd like to have my living room look like that. I love the windows, the library table and the entire look....fabulous.

  10. I adore the photo of your room! The green and white stripes are fabulous and so versatile! I love your eye!

  11. I love that fur throw!!


  12. Jaithan, I know I would love to cuddle up in that next to the fireplace. With all of your snow up there in Middleton,you need one! It is so kind of you and Eddie to come here for a visit, I love to see your names here,Kathysue

  13. Kathysue...I have a candle called Kitchen Spice that smells like I just made hazelnut coffee...yum! However, I'd prefer to REALLY make hazelnut coffee...double yum!...and drink it by the fire! Great post!...hugs...Debbie

  14. I just discovered this new product from a company called "Nellie" at Crate & Barrel. It's a line of cleaning products. I just bought their jar of lavender sticks and tucked them in hidden little spots throughout my home and it smells delightful!
    You need to check these out!!!
    Have a wonderful weekend,


  15. Kathysue, my husband has allergies, and I can't use any scented products in our home (nope, I can't even wear cologne). Cinnamon and other food smells don't bother him in moderation, so I often have cinnamon simmering on the stove. It does make such a difference in the ambiance. laurie


I would love to hear from you, Kathysue