Saturday, January 30, 2010

What Is On Your "SOMEDAY" List?

Do you all make lists?  I do.  Sometimes I make them on paper or in a journal and other times just in my head.  I have two types of lists, a "Someday List" which is a list of things that are attainable.  The "Wish List,"  contains things that I probably will never have due too money issues, circumstances but I still like to dream about them.  

 I am very patient and will wait for a "Someday" for a really long time. I have always loved black and white checked floors, and they were on my "Someday" list for a long time. After being in my home over twenty-five years, I actually now have one.

 I would rather wait for a really long time for what I truly want, than to just get something to fill in an area.  I will share my "Someday List" with you, and keep it to my top seven.  Attached to my  "Someday List" are inspiration pictures. I can see the picture in my head, but the visual is a good reminder and it also helps Hubby see what I have in mind. I also hope that it inspires you.

"My Someday List"

A faux fireplace and bookcases for living room
This is obviously a room under construction. I like the fact that there are no distractions,just the bare bones of the fireplace surrounded by bookcases.  My room is no where close to being this large but the basic concept is something that is very appealing to me. The beamed ceiling is wonderful. Notice how wide the door casing is that leads into this room. Love that affect. Oh my! they even have a transom window above the French doors. I'm sorry , I got carried away. Now back to my list.

I am keeping my eyes open on treasure hunting trips for an older mantle to work around. This is a gorgeous marble beauty. I also like the moulding that has been applied to the sides. Very interesting.

I like the way the lower doors in the wall cabinet flow into the design of the wainscotting in this room. I also want wainscotting to be incorporated. This is my entry hall wainscotting, as you can see below. I think it would have a nice flow if it were also in the living room.

Love the sconces here. They have a nice traditonal line to them with a touch of black. My favorite combination, black and white!

Two sofas facing one another in front of fireplace in my familyroom

I know there is no fireplace in this picture, but I have also thought of a day bed to divide the room. The vote is still out on that.

A beautiful picture from Elle Decor Magazine.  Now we are talking.

Two chairs to divide the room are most likely what I will do.  I think that will give us more seating possibilities.

I love everything about this room.  Of course the two french doors with the amazing view might be swaying me, just a little. I am also drawn to the piece of art above the mantle. It gives a window affect, like you are looking out to some beautiful scenery.  Notice how the dark ottoman grounds the room.   This room has it all, texture, color, contrast, light,fresh flowers and ferns. Pretty close to Perfection for this girl!

Hardwood Floor running down the hallway to match existing floor in my kitchen and familyroom

This is not my hallway but it is very long like mine. My hallway is 29ft long and all of the bedrooms are running off of it. My uncle said," This isn't it a hallway it is a dormitory."  It gets the most wear and tear so carpet just does not hold up that well. In a narrow hallway I would run the boards horizontally to widen the look of the hallway. I think it would look quite nice to continue the wainscotting from the entry down this hall. Oh my! Poor Hubby! He has so much work ahead of him. Like I said I am willing to wait for my "Somedays"

French doors in master bed

 This is the actual window in my master bedroom that I would love to replace with a French door. Don't you think it would look perfect here?  Now we just have to convince Hubby. The more I look at the pictures below the more I think I reallllllllly need a French door!

Now don't you think this look would be perfect for my master bedroom?

I don't want the black shuttered doors but I think this door is interesting in this room

White tile countertops in Kitchen with Carrara marble backsplash

Am I the only girl around that actually wants a new white tile countertop in her kitchen?  Yes, you heard right, I want tile. I love its durability ,textural interest and fresh look. With the counter I would like a carrera marble back splash.  If truth be known I would really love a carrara marble countertop but I have read a lot about having carrara. Everything I read says it stains too easily and I really use my kitchen a lot.  I don't want to worry about maintenance. If there is anyone out there in blogland that reallllly uses their kitchen a lot and you have the carrera marble counters please let me know.  I would love to be convinced!!!

Four matching chairs facing eachother in the living room

I love this clean and uncomplicated look. I can just see me sitting here and having great conversations with family and friends.

Although these four chairs are only matched in pairs it still gives the look I like. Notice the fireplace and the wainscotting?

I think this room looks a bit crowded but the concept is there.

I really like this! I plan on putting a mirror in my faux fireplace with a nice fern in front of it.  I have done that in my operating fireplace for a summer look.  Hubby just made me a trifold mirror so I could easily move it in and out for my summer look. We even attached a clip light to the flue to illuminate the fire box. It was a really nice affect. (Note to self: wire for lighting inside faux fireplace)

Great inspiration picture for me, fireplace and four chairs.

Black and white striped awnings on windows

I just think this house is so charming!  My house is a small ranch so I think the awnings would add so much character.

There you have it, my "Someday List," complete with pictures to inspire.
Do you have a "Someday List"? I would love to hear what you have on your list.

"Enjoy the Process," Of: Making a" Someday List"



  1. We have awnings on a few windows and doors and I sure wish we had put them everywhere. Not only do they add character and charm, they help keep the heat out.
    My husband and I started our someday list this morning.
    I want to build a baking center in my kitchen.
    is one of my favs on the list!

  2. Great post, my list 1. the stone wall in my foyer 2. New vanity for my master bathroom 3. white board ceilings with beams 4. new kitchen sink with fauset 5. New windows 6. re-do my family room 7. painting for my master bedroom

  3. Kathysue, all of your pictures for your someday list are just gorgeous. I love your entry and your hall bath is just GORGEOUS. Love the black and white floor. I can just see your fireplace and the 4 chairs in your living room. How beautiful. My someday list is to either have hardwood floors throughout the whole house or to have travertine. I love the travertine in my kitchen, breakfast area and all the baths and hall. Wish the builder had put it everywhere. You always have the neatest ideas. Hugs, Marty

  4. Gorgeous inspiration pics, Kathysue! I love the ones of your home best! I would love hardwoods throughout the common areas of my house...including the kitchen. Bur then I would need little tennis shoes for my staff so they wouldn't scratch it! lol Happy weekend...hugs...Debbie

  5. Kathysue, your bedroom is so pretty and so are all your inspiration pics ! The top of my someday list is a house with an outdoor room. I can't build one here so I'm going to have to move.

  6. Kathysue, what wonderful inspiration pictures. I love your hallway and bath, the floors are just gorgeous. My favorite inspiration picture is the living room with the french doors and that fabulous painting above the fireplace. That room is my idea of perfection. Unfortunately the cat hair would leave an interesting pattern on those white sofas! And yes, I can see french doors in your master - they would be perfect. My someday list is hardwood floors throughout the house and a renovated master bathroom (using yours as inspiration!) Hugs, Kat

  7. KS, For years, I had a "somd day" list. I carried it in my head all of the time. I had dreams about it. One day I realized that I might be making myself miserable, because some day might not ever come, and my some day list did not go well with my income! Of course, a list that is in your head is not easily erased, so it stayed there, but I did work on suppressing it. I am so blessed that my "some day" arrived when we remodeled this house we are in. For me and my family, our home is perfection. (There may still be 1 or 2 things on a some day list in the back of my head, but they are things I can certainly live without). You have posted such beautiful inspiration pictures, and yes, I think French doors would be wonderful in your beautiful bedroom. I don't have a lot of countertop in my kitchen, other than my island with the wood top, but I do have tile (that looks like marble) on my other countertops, and I love it. I have the same tile on our bathroom floors. Had I been able to splurge, I would probably have put slate on the countertops, but this tile has worked out great. Sorry, I think I've written you a book. Just proves how inspiring your posts are. laurie

  8. Kathy, I do have a someday list. Someday I would love to replace our tub and shower with a bigger shower with tiled walls and several shower heads and I have always wanted a clawfoot tub or a slipper tub. Someday I would love to have beams added to our great room, but that won't happen. Someday I would love for the painting of the outside of our home to be completed. My husband started last summer, but did not finish.
    Such great posts you do. I jumped into blogland today. I still have much to learn though....Kim

  9. Your place is just amazing! I've always wanted a black and white floor too! I really love black and white!!! Maybe my next place I'll do some black and white!

    Thanks for the nice comment you left on my blog and on Liz's! That was so sweet of you!!

  10. My some days are getting shorter and if we don't do it soon there will be no time left so.... a new house that looks like a barn, a pool again, white muslin curtains to blow in the breeze, white painted floors, pastel furnishings, limed timber, splashes of red. That will do me and if someone would buy our current home I would be on my way Julienne

  11. My favorite is the one with doors on either side of the fireplace with the view of the backyard.vVery relaxing look. Items in my wish list are a room addition above the garage with dormer windows and a dish room...Christine

  12. Believe it or not, I don't. I am totally absorbed with things like paint, wallpaper, fabric, window treatments and accessories. These little projects I do constantly and don't have to wait for. I've been in this house 10 years and haven't changed one thing except cosmetics. But then I have a lovely older Georgian Colonial that I love.

  13. Wow such gorgeous pictures with your list! I'm always so impressed of the pictures of your home. For starters I would love to have a bathroom just like your Master Bath, the colors are soooo soothing as is your Master Bedroom! You certainly inspire with your taste and talents. My some day list would have to be an updated kitchen with granite and stainless and wood flooring in the dining room and Master Bedroom. If that could all happen then maybe stone or tile flooring in the bathrooms and utility room. Last but not least a swimming pool with an outdoor area outside. Ahhhhhh to dream. . .

  14. Thanks for your comment on my keys post, Kathysue! I came over to see yours and got lost in this one. : ) I love your inspiration pictures and I can relate to much of what you are saying.

    I love fireplaces with built-in books shelves on each side or with the alcoves so you could put bookshelves there. I had a job in a new home for a builder working with this type of lay-out. I couldn't wait to decorate that area. I also have a long hallway in my house (17 feet long) and I need to get a few pictures on those walls. I had family pictures and the kids awards/certificates from school, but took them down when we put the house on the market.

    Finally, to end this novel, I just wanted to tell you that I love using chairs in a room. I do find they are more versatile.

  15. Kathysue, thanks so much for the warm welcome. This is exciting and nerve racking at the same time. Still trying to figure out all the details. Thanks again...Kim

  16. Came by to see if you had anything else up... did not mind that you did'nt... I enjoy seeing your home, it is so pretty and not a cookie cutter like so many.

  17. We have a single french door in our master. It opens onto the back porch. We had french doors in our previous home, in the living room and master. They opened onto a 60 foot porch. Love the door here and the doors in our previous home, too.

    That cottage would definitely be on my someday list. I love that style house. Of course at my age, I would want it completely restored to my exact specifics, before we move in and at a cost I might be able to afford. In other words, J and I are well beyond the DIYing of a complete renovation. We do well to complete our little projects.:-)

    Your home is beautiful!

  18. The next "biggy" on my someday list is new countertop and appliances in the kitchen. Our house was built to sell, therefore it is pretty generic. I want granite, I'm not getting it...but I will have something that at least looks similar and stainless instead of white appliances. That's the plan!


  19. Wonderful inspiration pictures! Your home is already beautiful and inviting as it is, but I can envision these gorgeous additions too. Your living room inspiration pictures of the fireplace with the bookcases on both sides would be simply gorgeous in your living room! Great post! Paula

  20. You're blog is beautiful. I just subscribed to get the feed. I just did a post where I talked about Black & White floors. They absolutely make me giddy.

    Great to see you at the shop the other day!

  21. Kathysue...I'd love marble countertops, too! I don't want them in my current home but if I ever downsize to that adorable cottage with the sunny, window filled kitchen...I'd love them! Let me know if you hear of a marble that is more stain resistent...I don't want that worry either...but I love a white kitchen! :-)
    Your someday list is as long as mine. LOL

  22. I have honed carrera marble countertops in my kitchen--I've had them 7 years and I love them. I cook alot--but I have always had an island-at first a very small 5 ft by 3 ft butcher block work table--then after a big remodel last year--we put a huge expresso finished cherry island in--I topped it with silestone in "blizzard". This is where I do all my messy prep work that involves olive oil, vinegar or lemons. The marble is fine with anything else. I have spilled red wine, tomatoes, coffee juices etc--but only the oils and acids really affects the marble. I have a big old white farmhouse sink and white subway tiel as my backsplash and the marble looks great with it. I live in an old fashioned new england style farmhouse--so granite would be far too modern of a look for our home. I think you would end up loving the marble, after all in Italy, they have had it in their homes for centuries!

  23. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  24. I am so glad you linked to this post in your comment today. I loved reading it, and it made me so happy to see that the black and white flooring, which I'd seen before of course, was a part of your list that you got! Don't you think it feels so much more exciting to wait for something and then be able to do it? NOT that I wouldn't say yes today to new chocolate brown floors .....xo


I would love to hear from you, Kathysue