Monday, January 1, 2018

My 2018 WORD For The Year!!


As other's celebrate at parties to bring in the new year I tend to be a little more introspective. I start thinking about what WORD will be on my heart throughout the upcoming year.

Sometimes the word will come to me quickly and other times it slips in on me in a conversation.

I think of many words and I pray for God's guidance in my life in all things, especially my thoughts!

I thought I had my word, but there was something that was telling me it wasn't quite right, it was close and I was on the right track but it wasn't MY WORD.

The word that I thought was going to be my word was, " Intention!" I felt as if this year was going to be a year of living with intention. 

It was during a conversation with a very dear friend that I found my word, it was so obvious once I said it out loud.

I was telling her that I had such an excitement inside about the upcoming year and how much I was looking forward to many things that I knew would possibly be in my future if God allows.

I have had this over whelming excitement inside of me lately that I really could not explain, but now I know why it was there!! It was just guiding me to find my word for the year. 

I not only want to live my life with intention but I want to be excited with great anticipation to see what God has in store for me this year.

My Universe is GOD!!!

The gift of life that God has given each of us should be cherished and treasured each day is a new promise of something for us to experience.




  1. It is truly a great word Kathysue!!!....My best wishes to you for a most happy and healthy New Year...looking forward to all of your wonderful posts!!!

  2. I don't usually select a word for the new year, but were I to do so, I would think "Anticipation" would be the perfect one. God does indeed have good things in store for us but even when things aren't so good, He uses these times to bring about good for those who love Him and are called according to His plan. Thank you being an example of anticipation for us.


I would love to hear from you, Kathysue