Thursday, November 23, 2017

The Story Of My Thanksgiving Day Table!



I have to admit that I waited until the very last minute to do my table this year. I had no idea what I was doing until I actually picked out my flowers at the grocery store.

The flowers were put in a big blue bucket until yesterday and then I began thinking about how to put this all together.

After looking at the flowers for awhile they told me they needed elegance and I knew I had the perfect piece to put them in. I just wasn't sure how I would make it work.

I have a beautiful antique silver bowl with my initial K engraved on it that my DIL gifted me!! It was perfect. I needed it to be a bit higher so I added one of my Revere bowls as a pedestal. It WORKED!!!

Now how the heck am I going to make the flowers stand up in this without a frog. Luckily my memory did not fail me and I remembered seeing someone do this with scotch tape....

 So I began to polish the silver.....

Not my favorite job, but so rewarding when it is all done!

The I put it together using my grocery store flowers and added some apples as well as some lemon and limes from our espaliers in the backyard to the arrangement........

Ready to be moved to the table, verrrrry carefully!!

I made some place cards using parchment paper and apples along with the Burgundy eucalyptus leaves with each guest name written on them.......

 Now for the fun part, putting it all together on the table.

I played with three different glasses, but the vintage ruby glasses won!!

You can see that I used a linen colored tablecloth with silver sparkles in it, that tied in my use of silver nicely, plus I love anything that sparkles, don't you?

Simple white napkins placed under each plate. By golly I think this is all going to work out just fine!!

I even had some soft red marbled candles in my stash that are the perfect color to go with this table. Who knew?

Next will be the truly best part, having my family sitting around this table!!!

After a little problem, the sink backed up!!! Hubby ran to Home Depot at 8:00 last night and by 10:00 my handy dandy guy had it fixed, not an easy fix but he did it!!

All was well with my world as I sat in the dark with the fireplace and Christmas pictures and music playing on the TV softly. Yes all is well.....



Tomorrows post is going to be a joint effort of 4 other very talented ladies. Stay tuned for another episode of Project Design....



  1. Oh my gosh - i don't have a flower frog and have always had trouble with my arrangements! Flash forward to this post and scotch tape to the rescue! Thank you for this and it is now Pinned! Thank You!!!


I would love to hear from you, Kathysue