Friday, August 4, 2017

My Step by Step Planning For A Fall Room Using Blue


Every year when Fall comes around I find it hard to get motivated to change out my Summer decor to Fall decor.

I love Fall weather, crisp air, beautiful colors in nature, but inside my home I have a hard time accepting Fall.

I am not trying to rush time along at all because I am loving summer in our new home and have so enjoyed spending time at the pool this year. 

However since it takes time to plan and find the right elements for my home I need to start planning so if there are any orders that have to be made then I will have them for when Fall actually arrives.

Fall decorating can be hard for a Springtime gal like myself. Especially when I don't decorate with the typical Autumnal colors, (NO orange in my life!)

 My plans have to be well thought out and pretty strategic so of course that involves research and planning.

Most of the time my plans will start with a color palette. Since my Fall color choices are more limited than most I usually make a list of colors and elements that I like that remind me of Fall for my home. Always keeping in mind by base colors of blue and white and black and white.

This years color palette has evolved into dark to medium blues and touches of golden yellow.

The first thing I do is start looking for images of Fall scenes or vignettes that I am attracted to, either in their color palette or the elements that are used. This year was no different. I knew I wanted blue for the obvious reasons, my whole house is based on blue and white with black and white. 

Then I thought of what Fallish colors could I add to my already established base to make my home look more like Fall. Of course the color of wheat and sky kept cropping up in my head....

Wheat will make a nice element in my color scheme, so I will keep that in mind as I make my plans.

As you look for inspirational images and collect them a puzzle will start to form and the image will become more clear as you save your images. Look at them dissect colors, textures and elements that you love from each image.

This image is from a couple of season ago from Pottery Barn, it is pretty near perfect for my home.

With gathering all of these images I am pretty solid in the color scheme I want for my room. Now the looking begins for the elements I will be changing out.

The first elements I will be looking for are what I call the combiner piece. It will be a piece that will have almost all the colors I am working with. It can be anything really, fabric for pillows, a throw, art work, a particular vase or decorative item, a book the list could go on and on. 

I will usually start with my fabrics for pillows but this year I actually started with a throw. I had it pinned from the past and so I looked it up and found three that I like that could work with the right combination of fabrics.

Here are three throws that I am considering. I will only make my final choice after I have ordered my fabric samples. I never order a pillow without sampling the fabric in my room first. Yes, I know it takes more time but in the end I will be sure about my purchase and happy that I got it.

I love all three of these throws for different reasons and what will make the final choices is the fabrication for the pillows.

The first fabric I choose is an overall pattern that will introduce my color scheme and also it needs to go with my sofa fabric which is blue and white ticking stripe. That is a neutral for my home.

I also have an existing pillow with a Greek key trim that is a very heavy neutral on the light side of linen. I also already have a navy velvet that will work with any of the above pillows.

The next thing I do is make a collage of the fabrication that will possibly be in the room.

The ticking is my sofa and the black stripe is my rug under the sofa.

As you can see the combinations could go on and on. By doing the collages I can tell better which direction feels more like my home to me. I already have what I think is my favorite, but I will not pass judgement until I receive the fabric samples.

Once I make the decisions on all the fabrics then I will choose different decor items to go in the room. I have specific areas in mind where I will make changes. 

I will introduce texture and the colors I am using in different areas always being careful to not go over board or become too thematic. More on that later. Now I need to go and order some fabric samples!

Always remembering to keep an open mind because none of this might look as good on site!!


  1. It's going to look great!!! I wish I knew how to do a collage like these!

  2. Wow! I love the color palette! It stills screams fall without the traditional fall colors! Great job!!!

    ~Kristin @ Sweet Home Indiana

  3. You've really nailed that color combo...I may have to borrow it! I have two favorites...I'll be watching to see which one you pick. Have a good day! ;)

  4. Love this!
    Thank you for sharing a bit of your process.
    Looking forward to seeing the end result!

  5. Great post! You broke it down and not only do I understand but so inspired. ��

  6. Assembling your collage seems to be the best way to view all the things together. It gives you a great over-all feel for the combination.
    I'm with you in the "no orange" tank. But you have proven every year that it's not necessary. And it can still be beautiful.
    Thanks for sharing this years colors. I've picked my favorite.

  7. Sometimes readers email comments that make my day so I thought I needed to share....
    Your attention to details and how much effort you put into each decision
    always inspires me. You have made me a much more thoughtful buyer.
    Thank you,

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. I always look forward to your thought process when planning for the seasons! I wish my brain had a little more of the organizing side:) I get overwhelmed and then just give up....haha!

  10. I agree with Sherry. You have a very organized thought process. You always know just what you want and what works coming together so beautifully in the end


I would love to hear from you, Kathysue