Sunday, August 20, 2017

My Fall Transition Wardrobe Colors

How to transition your wardrobe for Fall weather is going to be different in every part of the country but today I am going to tell you how I do it with color.

When Fall arrives and the mornings are a bit more crisp and the night air is cool here in California we  will still have warm daytime temps into October. Because of that, we have to slowly start transitioning our wardrobes for Fall.

I have two storage boxes in my closet that contain seasonal clothing, but there is a period of time where I seem to have a bit of both seasons hanging in my closet. It gets a bit crowded at that point.

You know the weather that is warm during the day but it gets cool enough for a sweater once the sun goes down.

I find that my colors change from the bright cheerful colors of summer to a bit more Fallish looking colors.

In the past the colors I wore looked something like this....

One season I had a base of navy and cognac and I added a pop of bright pink to the mix, it was fun.

I also added Kelly green and mustard. I almost always have some form of yellow in my wardrobe and for the cooler months it usually gets a little more golden.

I have a rule for myself when I purchase new clothing. I try to only buy pieces that will mix and match with 2-3 other pieces. By sticking with the colors I love, they always seem to mix and match well.

 In California we can wear clothing pieces we would wear in the Spring until usually late Oct. or November. As it gets cooler I will add one fall looking color such as the cognac.

Here is a color capsule that you will often see me in. This is me packing for a trip. Obviously this is my Spring wardrobe.

So how do I use some of these colors and items for a Fall wardrobe? Here is one of my Fall wardrobes from the past.......

 You will notice the colors are a bit darker and warmer. I still have my kelly green and cobalt blue in there, but there is a nice warm camel in there now.

This year I am doing my same routine where I  have a color capsule where I can mix and match my clothing.

For this year my capsule is going to be somewhat the same but I am adding a different color that I have not worn for years.

You will notice the new kid on the block is a dark olive green. For fall it works for me. I do have green eyes so this is actually a  pretty natural selection for me to wear. 

When shopping it caught my eye when it was paired with a very bright yellow, which is another color I love to wear. 

It will also look great with a soft pink or bright pink and even red, so I will have a few alternative capsules to wear as well...

I will keep the olive color mostly as pants, skirts and shoes, and then brighten my look by wearing a brighter top. I like to wear happy colors close to my face.

For any of you doubters that olive goes with red...


Before adding the dark olive to my wardrobe I went over all of this in my head, and put together outfits in my minds eye before taking the plunge.

This new color came to mind when I saw this top which I thought would be a perfect Fall transition color for my wardrobe.....

Of course it is stripes, one of my favorite patterns. Then I saw these pants.....

I tried them on and it felt like ME so of course I had to get them!!!

Notice the cute loafers! I am waiting on these to go on sale before getting them....

I am going to have some fun this year wearing this color for Fall. I was just going down memory lane and I remember in the 8th grade,  my color capsule was navy, camel, dark olive and red. Of course back then it involved lots of plaid skirts and jumpers.

It is easier to dress if you have color pieces that coordinate. You can get away with less clothing and you will have more versatility.

As the Fall season gets here and we have cooler temps I will share some outfits that I will be wearing.

Right now I am pulling together my wardrobe. I like to get the basics settled and then I might add a few on-trend pieces to the mix.

I am on the hunt for the perfect denim jacket which is a wonderful transition piece for Fall or Spring.Once I find it, I will take you along with me on the hunt!!!



  1. I love your posts on wardrobe options. I dress in a similar style and you always inspire me to stick to a color palate for versatility. I'd love it if you shared links or names of sources for your individual items. I live in California as well and have a full time job (that I love). I need to shop online much more now and don't have as much time to peruse the stores I'm fond of in person (J. Crew, Talbots, Nordstrom).
    I'm sure looking forward to autumn!

  2. You always look so put together. Love your color choices.

  3. I love that yellow and olive striped tee. I'm adding an autumn green (not exactly green, not exactly olive) corduroy swing coat to my wardrobe this fall and I think this will look great with it. We are traveling back to Montana to see our son. I've been looking for tops of different weights for layering. Enjoy your clothing hunt!!!

  4. Hi Karen, the top, pants and shoes are from Talbots, they are on sale today for 25% off if you are interested. I like Talbots, Ann Taylor, Jcrew, and Nordstroms, and of course Zappos for shoes

  5. I enjoy these posts as well. I also have that yellow and olive green top and the olive shoes, love them! Did you see the ruffled denim jacket at Talbots? So cute on, I had to have it! You may like it too 😀

  6. Happy to see the Olive green back this Fall as I have 2 jackets in that color...hmmm..never thought to pair that green and red together...but yes! Love those shoes...have to check them out!

  7. Hi Kathysue,
    I love olive green. Just not near my face. Thank you for showing the pants & shoes.
    And I thought I would mention that I bought my denim jacket at Talbots.

  8. I am loving that green and plan on incorporating it into my wardrobe this fall also!!!


I would love to hear from you, Kathysue