Friday, August 25, 2017

Adding Jewelry To Your Fall Wardrobe

This post is all about accessorizing with jewelry. Everyone has their own comfort zones on what style and kind of jewelry they are comfortable wearing. 

On a daily basis I am a pearl stud, gold bangle, wedding ring kind of gal. Basic, classic pieces are my go-to items. However I have learned over the years that one spectacular piece can make an outfit so I will wear that type of jewelry as well.

Since we all seem to have a mixed bag of goodies to choose from and some of us even have a signature piece that we wear repeatedly it is going to vary how you accessorize your outfits.

Today I will go through the process of how I choose what I wear in hopes that it might help, or give you a basic guideline or different way of looking at your own personal jewelry.

Since I have been working on my Fall wardrobe I am going to talk about a few pieces that I feel will make my wardrobe work harder for me.

As always I look at the colors in my wardrobe which will help me decide if I need a silver, gold, rose gold or other metal base to work with. I will also wear pieces that have a bit more warmth to them.

One of the main colors that seem to work very well for me for Fall are pieces that are tortoise. It is kind of like a leopard shoe, it just works with so many pieces therefore it becomes a neutral in my wardrobe.

I already have several pieces but have been on the hunt for a piece that will update my jewelry wardrobe. I began looking for a chunky link tortoise necklace and found several that I liked, but ultimately chose one which I will share with you later.

 At first this one seemed perfect but then when it came time to pull the trigger I realized for the look I  was going for I needed a single strand instead of a double strand. 

I went through my head with certain outfits that I would wear it with and the single was best for me. Remember I always buy a piece that will be worn with at least 2-3 pieces in my wardrobe.

This piece was fun with the different shades of tortoise browns, plus the gold links were a nice touch. I also liked the way the links were square which gave it a totally different look. This is still on my radar. I think I would have fun with this one.

This necklace had a dressier look to me and the more I look at it the more I like it. Again, it has the addition of the gold, an unusual shape in the link as well. I like the way it would lay flat. This is not what I had in mind when I started looking so I moved on.

This necklace was the color of tortoise I had in mind but the clasp looked inexpensive to me and the tortoise looked a bit duller to my minds eye. That could be photography but I don't want to take a chance on this one.

This necklace is more of what I had in mind and the clasp looks more substantial. It is actually from Jcrew and I have seen this one before, so this is the one I will most likely purchase.

After pulling together outfits in my minds eye I also started looking at some interesting bracelets.
Remember this scarf.....

This scarf has a definite equestrian feel to it which is a look I enjoy wearing so naturally that is the direction my mind went.

Once again I visualized outfits and decided I needed a chunky gold link bracelet in my wardrobe. I have smaller gold link bracelets, but nothing that looks substantial.

I found the perfect piece.....

 This feels just right for the look I am going for. Are you noticing how I pull jewelry together based on the looks and colors I am wearing?

In my looking I ran across this bangle which I had no intention of purchasing a bangle, but what is a girl to do when she finds the perfect piece that is so unique? You guessed it, she buys it!!!

It is about 1 1/2in wide. It has a hinge opening. I can hardly wait to get it. I purchased this on poshmark I like to look on resale sites at the jewelry because you can always find something unique that is no longer made.

I will be adding these pieces to my collection of other pieces with the tortoise look or colors in them.

In the process of looking for a few new pieces I also reorganized my jewelry to reacquaint myself with what I already have....

 I actually forgot about a few of the pieces I had. That was fun for me, it felt like I got something new all over again. The silver piece on the far right is a favorite of mine, it is heavy and it is a locket by Ralph Lauren. Timeless in my book.

Some more pieces I will be wearing this Fall.

Now for this new-to-me hanging canvas organizer. I purchased this last year and I am just now getting around to using it for my costume jewelry. It has pockets on both sides and hold a lot of jewelry. I think if I see my things I will be more likely to wear them....

Talk about a space saver!!!

Are you ready to go and play with your jewelry?



  1. Kathy, it's always fun for me to read your posts when you put together your wardrobe. We have very similar tastes, but I'm not nearly as organized or deliberate as you are. I'm crushing over your new bracelet. I would add that to my wardrobe instantly. Too bad for me it's vintage. What a great find!
    You are going to be styling this fall!

  2. Great post! You've got me thinking about simple updates I can make to get ready for fall. When we moved last year,I purged my wardrobe and that has helped to refocus my style. I'm looking at what I have left (that fit and was still in style) and adding a few strategic pieces that update the basics. I've never really done it this way before but it has been very helpful. Thanks for sharing your thought process!

  3. ALWAYS..........
    Those link tortoise neck bits are knock off's of ANGELA CAPUTI she came out with them years ago.....she is much more expensive than J.CREW however.
    I ADORE TORTOISE so I say get them ALL!!!!!!!!!
    Lovely POST.
    Love the bracelet..........

  4. If you decide you don't like that bangle I will gladly take it off your hands!!

  5. Hi Kathysue,
    You've got me thinking about my jewelry collection. I should probably go through it & get rid of some things. I was holding to some old costume jewelry in case I had a granddaughter one day. I thought she would enjoy playing with it. But it's looking like that's not going to happen. 😕
    I love wearing tortoise jewelry in the Fall also. A big tortoise cuff would be a fun piece to have. Thanks for the tip.
    I hope you're enjoying your weekend.

  6. Lately I have been sorting through my costume jewelry trying to purge a bit. I so love the tortoise style jewelry for fall..Love that first is a stunner!!


I would love to hear from you, Kathysue