Monday, January 16, 2017

New Home's Entry Hall Update!!



The past few days I have been sourcing and figuring out what I want to do in my entry hall. To be honest I had the base planned even before we moved in over a year ago. 

 Our entry is very small and has no personality. That is not how I want my guest to enter into our home. I want it to greet them with what they are about to see. The actual entry is 53"W X 93"L.

The two elements I knew I wanted for sure was the over head lighting fixture.....

I have had my eye on this for a very long time and  I am feeling very fortunate to be able to use this in our new home. You all know how I love black and white and also a simple understated elegant look. This fixture fits the bill. There will be two of these installed, one in the actual entry hall and one down the hallway entering into our home.

The other element was to have paneled walls from floor to ceiling.  I am still working on the scale and configuration. I would like a larger center panel with two smaller panels on each side, very similar to the image below. The smaller rectangles that they have on the bottom will be on the top in our entry hall.

As I wrote in my last post I thought I was going to use grasscloth on the ceiling, but after living with the idea and doing several mock-ups I felt it was one step to far for this girl.

I had chosen several entry tables that would work, but I had one problem. Our door opens into the wall so have a entry table center point was not going to work.

You can see how I marked things off with tape, This is how it looks now.

My somewhat brilliant husband was talking with me about the over all design and he said, "The table is the problem,  so why don't you eliminate it!" Omgosh, I have been so use to having an entry table I could not see the space without it, and then the light bulb went off. YES he was right, so there will be no table in this small space.

With that in mind the wall needs to be a nice focal point. I started looking at different possibilites for mirrors.

There were round mirrors!



 Black frames!

Greek key, Deco mirrors!

Then I saw this beauty......

I kind of fell in love with her. You all know how much I love to go to the ocean and our home is giving a nice nod to  a Hamptons/Nantucket vibe. This could work.

So I did a mock up....

This was before I decided No entry table. Looks pretty good, but still not quite right. But I was still wanting this mirror and the feel it would give my space.

I remembered I had two of these mirrors. I was going to use them in our master bathroom, but I am not sure that will ever happen.

This mirror although different from the sea shell mirror would give me the same feel. I also like the way it has a scalloped edging that mimics the over head lighting scallops.

Then I made another decision. The center panel would have a slab mirror from the floor to top of the horizontal stile at the top of the wall and then I would hang this mirror on top of the slab mirror. 

More light, more reflection , more WOW factor!!!

This all felt very good to me and I felt I could move onto the next decisions, the ceiling treatment and lighting.

Since I was feeling that the grass cloth was too much I decided I need a bit of texture and some kind of treatment so I think it is going to be paneled with a small black edging next to the crown molding.

Very similar to the above image, but the black molding might be a bit more narrow in my home. Scale is so important and often forgotten by homeowners.

Next is the lighting, Oh my did I have fun sourcing. Luckily I have plenty of sconces pinned on my pinboards. I have found if I like it I pin it, because you never know when you might need it!!

Are you still with me?

Here are some of the sconces that I think will work in my entry. Keep in mind that the overhead light will have a touch of antique brass in the canopy and the bottom cap, so I can handle black or an antique brass sconce.

Again I have to keep in mind the scale and I will know better once I draw it up with it's correct proportions, but until then here are some of my choices....

I am liking all of these so now I need to live with the idea of each of these and see which one wins out after a few days.  As you all know I am a planner and I do not jump into anything that is going to be a permanent fixture in my home without a lot of processing.

Luckily I do......




  1. Oh I love your ideas and the mirror will be gorgeous.

  2. These posts are fascinating. Your ideas are so good and I enjoy watching them percolate. I'm looking forward to seeing which sconce you go for - I know what one I'm backing!

  3. Hi Kathysue,
    Happy New Year! (Is it to late for that?)
    You choice of ceiling fixture is stunning! And I love your ideas for your walls. But what happened to your plans for wallpaper?
    I had to chuckle when your husband suggested giving up the entry table. Sometimes they come up with some pretty good ideas.

  4. Your well thought out plans always lead to a beautiful outcome!...Love the idea of the black moulding.

  5. I tried to get that scalloped mirror for my guest bathroom and love the idea of using it in the entrance. It will be perfect!! Happy Tuesday!


I would love to hear from you, Kathysue