Saturday, November 26, 2016

2016 Christmas Gift Wrap and Ribbon

In our home it is officially the opening day for the Christmas season!

Let the falalaing begin!!

For those of you who know me you know I ♥♥♥ This time of year.

The tree is up the skirt is under the tree and the Christmas pillows are all out!!

You might remember my pillow choices from a previous post....

One of the things I enjoy just as much as the decorating is pulling together my wrapping papers and ribbons for the season.

Once the tree skirt  is put into place I am good to go.

Speaking of skirts!! 

This year I could not use the basket I usually use and I could not find a skirt that I loved so I improvised and purchased a very plush, heavy weight coverlet that looks like a cable knit sweater. That way I can use it after the Holidays on our bed.

(found at Homegoods)

Now for the fun part, the Christmas wrapping papers, ribbons and tags 

Here they are all lined up ready for me to use......

I am so excited!! 

You will notice I always use my black and white awning striped paper, it is my signature wrapping paper.

I like to keep my ribbons and wrapping supplies in decorative baskets, so when they are out, and I have a mess all around me they still look decorative. YES I am that girl. I have to have PRETTY, what can I say....

It makes it so much easier for me when it comes to wrapping gifts if everything is together....

I have gift tags, scissors, tape and any type of decorative addition I might use on packages available in a basket.

This year I loved my new gift tags so much I used some of them on our tree.


In years past I have always used this method. I have a French market basket that I keep out with the wrapping paper in it and it becomes part of my Christmas decor. Here are just a couple of years combinations...


Now that I have all my gift wrapping paper and ribbons combined I can start wrapping some packages. I can hardly wait to put them under the tree.

I find it cheaper to order bolts of paper and ribbons.

Here are some links that I like to use for gift wrap and ribbons if you are interested just click on words in green....


Gift wrap:
Nashville wraps 

Gift tags 
Etsy: Paper jacks 
         So Hospitality Co.

Check out Etsy for other gift tags that you might like. These are two companies that I have used and love the quality.



  1. You have such a good eye Kathysue - it all looks fabulous. I love the black and white stripe, it's very chic.

  2. You are so organized. I just began decorating the house yesterday so you are way ahead of me. Enjoy the holiday.

  3. Great pillows and fabulous paper to coordinate with your color scheme this year.....Love those tags too!!!

  4. I always love seeing your posts and your wonderful ideas and creations! Wish I could hire you to decorate this year! And wrap! We aren't doing as much as we usually do as we will be in Houston most of December awaiting our grandson's arrival! I thought I wouldn't mind but we ended up putting up a tree and doing some minimal decorating! I just couldn't stand it! Thanks for always giving such great advice on decorating and life in general!

  5. You may have posted it before, but I'd like to know where you got the white chair in your living room. Thank you.

  6. You may have given this information before but I would love to know where you got your white chair in the living room. Thank you.

  7. Great links. Thanks for sharing these, Kathysue! Love your choices.

  8. Love the color scheme, Kathysue and everything looks fabulous! Excited to get my tree up this weekend! Happy Wednesday ~

  9. You are a champion, and I so admire your abundant joy. That is exactly what the holidays should awaken in our hungry hearts. Your living room is coming together so beautifully and I just love how white is a magical backdrop for saturated rich colors of Christmas you weave into your schemes. I am still in the desert (not so terribly far from you) where we are breathing new life into a diamond in the rough. How can we not be reminded of spiritual transformation when our hands are so busy with physical transforming projects? It is a labor with some pains on a path leading to fresh life, understanding, peace, and new beauty. I can't help but think of Mary right now who so courageous and willing and open spoke a resounding YES to the universe. YES let it be done! And when we echo this yes in big and small ways to the invitations all around us to give birth to lovely, to light, we join with her and all the lights flickering in our world during advent. And see what a visual soul I am and how easily beauty stirs my heart to worship at christmastime? Peace to you as you deck your lovely new nest. xox


I would love to hear from you, Kathysue