Monday, October 31, 2016

A FASHION POST: How I Shop And Plan My Wardrobe

This past month was my birthday and for this year my sweet hubby took me shopping. I must admit it was really fun for me.

Over the years I have noticed when I am shopping I shop by color first. As the day goes on I usually wind up with an unintentional color capsule for my wardrobe.

This year was no exception, and I found some additions I can add to items I already own, and I  a couple of capsules started emerging for my Fall/Winter wardrobe.

First let me show you some of the pieces I will be working with.....

 Navy and cognac seemed to keep popping up all day long!

I am so glad to see cognac, or tobacco come back in.

I wore this color a lot a few years back and actually wore out a pair of pants. Then as fashion trends go, I could not find this color, so I am extremely happy to have found it this year.

Here are some of the pieces I worked with a few years back, and many of these same pieces will still work with my newer pieces and color capsules.

 This capsule consisted of black, white, cobalt, and kelly green.

I am pretty consistent when it comes to the colors and styles I wear. I call it classic grown-up preppy style.

These are just a few of the shoes that will work in my wardrobe, trust me I have more. In fact I was a lucky girl and purchased three new pair.


I think you will be able to see and appreciate how my new shoes will be working with my Fall/Winter wardrobe. 

Notice all are casual and flat? That is what works for me these days so why not get something comfy and cute?

And I can't forget my booties.....

I think I am pretty set!!

 Let's take a look at how the color capsules turned out......

Here is a line-up of colors I can mix together to further my wardrobe.
This next scheme is a little unusual for most, but you will have to trust me on how this can work...

 I plan on wearing my cognac pants, leopard flats and bright pink cashmere sweater together.

 Or I could wear my cognac pants, pink checked shirt and navy vest. These are just a couple of ideas.

See how pretty it looks!

The next color capsule that started emerging while I was shopping was......

As you can see from the pieces I have to play with the navy is a constant, and so is the cobalt blue. 

By adding bright yellow, bright pink, or cognac I can really make my wardrobe work for me.

Of course there is always a little black and white thrown in there since that is always the base in my wardrobe.

Shopping Tip:
When I shop  I always use one criteria before purchasing a piece, unless it is a special occasion dress....

...I ask myself, "Can I put this with more than 2-3 pieces?" If I can it will be a good purchase for me, but if I can't, I have to be honest with my self and let it go. My goal is to make my wardrobe work for me and go further.

Look in your closet, and put together like colors, and you will start to see a color capsule emerge. 

Ask yourself what pieces do you need to make your wardrobe go further for you. Write down those pieces and look on line first to do a little pre-shopping.

Once you see what is available in the market, and you have your list you are all set to go and have some fun shopping!!!

btw:If you would like to see what I am pinning for this Fall/Winter season check my pinboard out here....



  1. Any info on the black patent booties on the right? I love the low heel height. Your wardrobe research and planning is amazing. I envy your attention to detail and I know all of these colors will look smashing on you. XO

  2. Love your selections Kathy Sue! I love cognac and am using some of it in my bedroom makeover!

  3. Love your choices and you are so organized!!!....I have that fabulous long sleeve blue and white striped t-shirt from it!


I would love to hear from you, Kathysue