Friday, September 9, 2016

NEW HOME POST: Fall is entering the building!!

Fall is upon us and it is time for our trip to Half Moon Bay nursery. So excited to plant our new plants in our new home!!!

We love it here! Rows and rows of flowers and plants, ocean air, smell of Monterrey pines and classical music play as we browse.

Ornamental Kale is a must for my garden in the Fall, and they always have a beautiful selection.

Look at the contrast of the vibrant colors in the coleus!!

Beautiful ivy baskets!

Topiaries galore in all shapes and sizes, but I must admit this was the largest ivy topiary I have seen.

All of these  plants are coming home with me!!

On our previous home's porch we had a wall planter next to our door that we had to leave, and I was so sad.

 I immediately went online and started looking to find a replacement.

By golly I found one, you can read about it here! I found the planter HERE!

Today my sweet hubby hung the new planter  for me on our new home's porch, and I begin to plant it with our new plants from Half moon Bay.

It makes me smile every time I look out the glass in my front door!

You can see my traditional ornamental Kale, and the little lime cypress topiary.

The plants from left to right are:

White ornamental Kale, lime cypress, mini bright pink cyclamen

In the front is variegated petit-point ivy and Diamond ice euphorbia for a little lacy white flower.

I still have more cyclamen and ornamental Kale to plant in the back planter so more on that later!!

I am having fun welcoming in Fall to our new home!!

I can't believe that it will be a year the end of October that we have been in our new home,
 I guess technically it won't be our NEW home anymore, just our home sweet home!!
I kind of like it that way!!


  1. I guess I better get some Fall annuals before they're all picked over. Have a great weekend!

  2. That's my kind of place! I enjoyed seeing pictures of the Half Moon Bay nursery. I love the planter and how you filled it. That cypress topiary is so sweet. I hope you'll show it In a month or so when some of the plants have filled out more. Beautiful!

  3. What a great resource your nursery is. Lucky girl. You did such a beautiful job on your entry planter. Now it truly is home sweet home. I would say treasure every moment, but I know you do. XO, Victoria

  4. Ooo, I can't wait to see how these beauties look in your new garden!!

  5. Love the planter...gorgeous....and did I see $1.98 on that Kale?....Wow, a great price...a lot more expensive here!!

  6. very pretty. I really like the ornamental kale.


I would love to hear from you, Kathysue