Sunday, July 17, 2016

My Saturday Night Beauty Routine


I have a weekly beauty ritual that I do once a week usually on Saturday nights. Nothing fancy just a little maintenance. Something that makes me feel better.

A simple facial

I clean my face with an easy to use product that seems to work really well at getting my face clean.....

I don't use this daily, but when I really want my face clean with no residue left on it I use this by putting it on a cotton ball and wiping off my face.

Next I apply a masque for dry skin. I have been using Paula's choice mask for dry and sensitive skin..

This can be used by anyone with normal to very dry sensitive skin.  I also apply this to the top of my hands and neck. 

I put this on right before I go to bed and leave it on all night, and the next morning I shower, and rinse it off. 

My skin always feels as if it has had a nice rest, and a good drink of water after I use this product.


The next thing I do is for my hair. I have fine, fairly dry , color treated hair. I know you are surprised aren't you? I bet you thought these highlights were natural!

This next product is usually not recommended for fine hair, but I have used this for several years on my hair, and have had great results. It doesn't weigh my hair down, and it makes my hair silky. and shiny. That is important to me so I do what I can!

I apply this all over my dry, or slightly damp, but not wet hair,  I concentrate on the ends, I comb it through and sleep in it. 

The other upside of this is my sweet hubby loves the fragrance it leaves behind on my hair, and that is a big plus in my book!

So on Saturday nights you can now visualize me going to bed all slicked up with a face, hand and hair mask.

As we age a lot of things change for us and our skin and hair are two very visible things that change so I am doing my best to keep them healthy. 

I will not say any of the products I have used are miracle products, but I will say I do see a difference when I neglect using them on a regular basis, so I think that says something.

I love to try new products and I am always reading about new things to try. As I try new things I will let you know what I like that has worked for me. 

I am always open to trying new products so if you have a face or hair mask that you LOVE leave a comment and share you information with us!! Sharing is one of the many things I have enjoyed and benefited from blogging!! Keep those comments coming!!



  1. "I will not say any of the products I have used are miracle products, but I will say I do see a difference when I neglect using them on a regular basis, so I think that says something."
    A very serious answer and so true..I totally
    agree what you have said ..don't overdue but
    do it regularly and the best and cheapest mask
    is the good old blue Nivea cream. Apply it very
    thick and you can watch how the skin soak it up.
    After your skin is plumped and soft

  2. Will have to try the mask...I have rarely used a mask product. My nightly routine is the Lancome cleansing, toning, night lotion routine...


I would love to hear from you, Kathysue