Thursday, June 23, 2016

An Easy Method To Summerize Any Room


I  had a comment on my blog from one of my readers from Australia………
BloggerShe said... 

I'm always fascinated to read that you northern hemisphere dwellers change your rooms for the seasons and swap colours and accessories. We don't do that here in Australia, what you have just stays until you don't like it anymore and change it.

But we don't do cool colours for summer and warm colours for winter. I don't really like reds and other warm colours so I think I would be stuck. I just stick with what I love all year round.


I found her comment interesting and it made me think....
....... I have always changed for the seasons. Nothing life changing just a few elements here and there. 

It just comes naturally to me, but after reading this comment I realized that maybe this would make a good  How-To blog post.


Where do you start!
This will vary quite a bit from person to person and even from area to area.
When making your list try to think of varying textures, and favorite summer colors that you can incorporate easily into your existing space.
  • Cool blues and greens
  • Sea shells or found objects from the beach
  • Clear vases or vases with blue or green tints.
  • Beach stripes
  • Baskets for texture
  • Fresh Ferns
  • Images of beach scenes
  • Sailboats
  • Lemons(reminds me of fresh cool lemonade)
  • Limes
Once your list is made you can begin the fun part!!
Clear your room of allllll the accessories  and elements you want to change out! Yes! ALL of them!

Now you have a clean slate to add your summer additions.
It will be up to you which elements you change out.
  • Accessories
  • Pillows
  • Rugs
  • Artwork
I begin adding my summer additions with the larger pieces first. Lamps, artwork, larger accessories, and pillows.



Next I will fill in with the smaller pieces. With each item that I add I step back, and look to see how it changes the look, and feel of the room.

When adding each element look at the area you are going to place it, and decide if you need a shiny, smooth or rough texture in the area.

Also, do you need a pop of color or just a place for the eye to rest?! Remember not every single nook and cranny has to have something added to it in a room.

Remember to always step back and view the room as a whole after each new addition. You want your room to visually flow.

Now you are ready to enjoy your new
summer look!!!



  1. I live in Florida where we basically have two seasons, spring and summer. I do not change for the seasons --- I didn't actually even when I lived in New York. I change pillows when I want a change more related to boredom than seasons. I have a large selection in waiting that I add to from time to time, so that process is easy. My accessories are primarily collections of smalls (mostly antiques) that I have inherited or have purchased over many years of collecting. There are a few decorative items I have purchased at Home Goods and the like just because they fit with my aesthetic, but they are in the minority. My "smalls" are not changed out with the seasons. They are items I love and I feel no need to store them. That is not to say I don't have a large amount of items in the waiting, but they are used for containers for seasonal flowers, for example, or for parties or holidays. I have never been in the habit of changing -- or removing -- rugs or adding slipcovers either. I guess I like what I like and that is what makes me happy. That is my philosophy: do what brings you joy. XOXO, Victoria

  2. I so love these summer colors....I seem to love them more and more...all year long!


I would love to hear from you, Kathysue