Wednesday, May 4, 2016

A Fashion Post



Do you feel like you get in a rut with the clothes you have in your closet? YOU are not alone.

I realized a couple of weeks, I was dressing pretty basic, and not having fun with my wardrobe. 

I am not sure when this happened, but I said to myself, "SELF enough of this, it is time to revisit your wardrobe and have fun with color and pattern!"

Accessorizing one's wardrobe is truly a personal style choice. I can only really address what I like to do in hopes that it will inspire you all to have some fun with your wardrobes as well.

The first thing to do is get reacquainted with what you put away from last season and take a look at what you have and see where you might have some vacancies for something new.

One of the most important tips I can and have given you is to wear the colors you love and have fun with your wardrobe.

I don't wear a lot of accessories at one time. I keep it relatively simple. I have never been a gal who stacks 5 inches of bangles up my arm or wears a lot of necklaces at one time. My style does not call for that, but if yours does, go for it and have fun.

Years ago I use to wear colorful bandana scarves tied around my neck when I would wear casual outfits, or tied onto my purse. These days most of my outfits are very casual and pretty basic so why haven't I been doing this?

I don't know so I did something about it!

I went on the hunt for bandanas so I could play with them in my wardrobe and have a little fun.

Guess where I found them? Walmart!! Yes you heard me right and they were only $1.00 each. They washed up beautifully and I have them folded and ready to wear with an outfit!

 I won't be showing any skin, but I wanted you to see how an all white outfit can be made a little happier with a pop of a colored bandana in such a simple way as tying it on your purse.

You can also find them by the dozen on Amazon....

I am looking forward to playing with my new colorful bandanas in my wardrobe. I will be showing you how I use them in my wardrobe in future weeks.

Stay Tuned!!!


  1. Thank you for such a great post! I love scarves, I get it from my Granny. She wore a neckerchief every day that I can remember, except for weddings and church. I love the bandana print and have quite a few, so I'm going to pull them out and wear them this summer!!

  2. I read recently square scarves were back in style and I checked out my stash to see what I had. I'll be adding some of my bandanas (I've been using them as napkins recently!) to my wardrobe as well. Great post!

  3. Cute, cute outfits and the scarves are the perfect touch!....I used to love to tie a pretty scarf to my away from it...I need to bring them back out!...Have a great day Kathysue!

  4. So funny, I've also been noticing how great the classic bandana is looking with current fashion renditions!
    I collected quite a few vintage ones over the last few years and actually bought an awesome handbag made out of a pair of blue bandanas in The Hamptons last year!
    Great post with great images!
    Thanks for the inspiration Kathysue

  5. Very fun...I think I have a lavender bandana some place....

  6. Talk about a timely post! I just bought a bandana yesterday at Wal-Mart and wore it today. There are several cute ways to tie them and they are a fresh look from the past. Jane


I would love to hear from you, Kathysue