Thursday, April 28, 2016

My Favorite Makeup products

Don't you just love being a girl? When you think about it we get to do and have so many fun things. 

Like Make-up for instance! 

I will have to admit I am a make-up product junky, especially when it comes to lipsticks and glosses.

Today I am going to tell you the products that have been tried and true for me and the products I have repeatedly purchased, or will purchase again.

Let's start at the bottom of all this!

 The base or primer.

I absolutely love this product and it last forever! Well, at least almost forever.

What I am saying the price is more than worth it for the beautiful finish it gives you and for how long it last.

If you are a woman of a certain age and feel as if you have lost that glowy, dewy look your skin use to have, this will be your new best friend. 

You only need a little tiny bit. I use less than a pea size and dab it on my face to disperse it and then blend it in. I like to use this brush for my primer and for my foundation....

Real Techniques Expert Face Brush found HERE!

Now for the primer....

You all can thank me later!! Seriously!

This foundation is new to me as of this year. We had an event here at the club where I live for Dior, and I fell in love with this foundation. 
Now don't get nervous about it being a spray. I know I was at first, but you spray it on your brush and you can build upon it if you want more coverage, it builds beautifully. 
I use two quick sprays on my brush, dab it around my face and then blend in. It is a beautiful finish that seems to last almost all day long. Because you use so little it will last for a very long time which helps warrant the price point.

Now that we have a nice base lets talk about color for our faces.


I was first introduced to this liquid blush while watching a Lisa Eldrige video. I usually watch her makeup videos on Saturday mornings with my coffee.

In this particular video she was doing Edith from Downton Abbey, who happens to have glowing, beautiful skin. You can watch it here if you are interested. I highly recommend Lisa Eldrige videos, she has amazing techniques and she explains things so well and at the end of the video she has a list of products used in the video.

This liquid blush is truly like a water color paint, it is very runny and that is the only down fall if you could call it that. It gives a beautiful transparent glow to the skin and it is also buildable for more of less blush depending on your desired look.

What I love about this is the glow and the way it lays on the skin, it is somewhat of a stain, so you need to wash your fingers after you blend this in. I dab it on first and then blend with my fingers, you need just a drop and you are good. This too will last for a very long time. 

For a nice finish to my blush I use Bobbie Browns Rose Brick.  I keep this in my purse for touch ups.I have used this for literally years and it is my GO-TO blush, it is very transparent and gives a nice glow a well. Can you tell I love a dewy finish?

Now that you have a flawless, glowing, blushing face it is time to address the eye brows, eyes and lips.

As we age our eyebrows seem to disappear, it's a mystery!!!

I found two products that seem to help me out so I have to share them with you. Both products are by Anastasia. The pencil is Taupe

Let me tell why I am sold on this product. I have a spot on my right eyebrow that will not take color. It is the strangest thing. I have tried several different products and this is the one pencil that will fill in that spot. 

This next product is a tinted gel and I got the ash blonde because I wanted to soften the look of my brows and this does the trick. 

First you brush the brows away from the direction that they grow, this helps coat the hairs. Then you brush them straight up and then you brush them in the direction you want them to go. They look soft and the gel holds them in place.

Remember the eyebrows frame your eyes. Make sure you don't make them too skimpy, or too short. I see women all the time make their eyebrows too short or skimpy and I just want to help them fill them in. Here is a little diagram that will help you know where to start your brow and where to arch it and end it......

 Use your eye as your guide. I like to use the side of my pencil placing it pretty much at the angles you see in the diagram to find the starting and ending points.

 If you are like me you are looking for the perfect mascara. 

I have tried so many, I can't even count how many I have tried. My lashes have changed in the last couple of years so my needs have changed. I have a horrible time with clumps with most mascara. I recently found a new one for me, that so far, I am really pleased with, so I had to share it with you.

Benefit's They're Real

 My tried and true eye lid color is pink. I have green eyes and the pink brings out the color of my eyes. I first start out with a primer by NYX, it is inexpensive and it makes my eyes look brighter and more alive. I was amazed at how many makeup artist use this product. That is why I purchased it the first time.

If you would like an eye shadow palette that will work for just about anyone try these two out..


This is the one I use, Adorable.........

As far as eyeliner goes, I have used this particular one for more years than I can count. I have used it on just about every type of coloring that there is and it works for everyone. It is Hyacinth sky buy Estee Lauder.  I would call it a charcoal navy with a purple base.

I am not an expert, but I will admit that I have done makeup for weddings and proms in the past so I do have a bit of experience, and I love makeup and read about products all of the time. I want to share with you what I have found to work for me and for others as well.

I will leave you with some good advice I read on finding the perfect lipstick color for you. look at the inside color of your lip and find a color as close to that as you can. If you do that you will have a color that will always work for you.
I will do another post on my favorite lipsticks and lip glosses.

This was a fun post for me to write, I hope it was fun for you to read and maybe you will find some new products that you will enjoy as much as I have enjoyed these.



  1. Great products and great advice...a friend of mine said that she started using the Bobbie Brown Shimmer in lieu of a finishing powder to reduce the accentuation of lines as powder does....I will be trying that!

  2. This was a great post.. I watch Lisa as well and love her... I am at the point (being 44) that I spend more on makeup if it truly works... I have always wanted to try a high end foundation like chanel or dior...I do use the benefits mascara and I like it...going to try some of the products you mentioned.. like the laura mercier primer (I have used her tinted moisturizer.. love it).. thanks

  3. Wow, thank you Kathy Sue! I love this post and am going to try these producs. Never heard the tip about finding the perfect lip color but will definitely try it. So glad you are enjoying your journey through designing your new home.,

  4. This was also fun to read it. As a primer for my
    make up I use CLARINS (also for the eye lid and
    lips). The best mascara I have ever used and
    after trying others I always come back is LANCOME diffencil. No blobs. Never heard about
    how to choose the right lipstick colour...thank
    you for that advice and I am looking forward to
    this posting.

  5. oh how i love these posts, like i am sitting down with a girlfriend with products in hand. however i must tell you how expensive these posts are! off to purchase!

  6. I used to tweeze my brows too much. I finally came to realize a fuller brow is younger looking. I quit tweezing & tried to let them grow in. But I'm left with some bald spots. The Brow Wiz pencil has helped so much.
    But a new problem has surfaced. Gray brow hairs! Every gel I tried wouldn't cover them. Next I tried getting them dyed at my salon. But the grays wouldn't take the dye. I was getting very frustrated. I finally tried Just For Men Mustache & Beard. It's supposed to be for coarse facial hair.
    It worked!! I highly recommend it. It saves me money since I don't need to waste money on salon visits that didn't work. And it only takes me 5 minutes to do.

  7. Great post! I am definitely going to try some of these products. The primer sounds great and so does the eye shadow pallet. I use Bobbie Browns eyebrow pencil a spoolie, it is much like the Anistasia one and I love it.

  8. Wow! What a wealth of information! I use a few of these products, so I completely trust your recommendations. I have that same spot in my eyebrow!! Going to buy those brow products! Thanks! Have a great weekend!


I would love to hear from you, Kathysue