Tuesday, April 5, 2016

Fashion Post In The Works!

Recently I wrote a blog post about fashion, and I received several emails from readers thanking me, and wanting more fashion post. 

Fashion is my second love next to interior design so it is a natural process for me to do a fashion post once in awhile.

I don't know if you are like me, but I find very few fashion blogs that fit my age group, or my own personal fashion taste, or style. 

There are  some good bloggers out there that do fashion post, however   I find most of the fashion bloggers of a certain age not quite in sync with my own personal style. I continue to read some of them because we can always learn from each other.

There is one exception, and I am a tried and true fan of her blog which just happens to be named, Style At A Certain Age written by the beautiful and fashionable Beth Djalali

Probably the first thing on your mind is the same that was on mine when I first saw her and read a post. She is tall, slender, and has long legs!! Every single attribute that I do not have. I am short, sturdy, and short legged.

I want to make a very important point here!! Get to know your body and what shape of clothing you should wear. Then when you see a great outfit you can tweak it to fit your body type. We don't all have to look just like Beth in order to dress like her.(even though I wish I did.)

For instance the outfit above anyone could wear this outfit if they found the right size. The only thing I would have to change is the height of the heel, but I can wear a cute pair of brown leather sandals that fit my foot and needs.

We lessen our options by thinking we CAN'T wear, or afford certain things we see online. Use them as a guideline if you like it, and find pieces that WILL work for you. Be creative, have fun with your clothes.

Clothes are more than what we put on to cover our bodies, they are truly an expression of our personalities.

Personally I am what I call a grown up Preppy style with classic pieces as the back bone of my wardrobe. I like color added to my neutral base of blacks and whites.

I was thinking about how I have not been having fun with my clothes like I use too. I am retired and most days I am home in my comfy pants or shorts and a knit t-shirt, but when I do go out, I need to switch it up a little and have fun.

(all of the above colors will be found in my own personal wardrobe)
We all know what colors look good on us. If you don't, then think of what colors you get compliments on when you wear them. Wear colors that put a smile on your face, have fun with them!!!

( Pictured above are colors I know I can wear. Obviously I will wear yellow flats not heels. The mix of colors and patterns is just fun! I say go for it!)

One of the reasons I decided to write more post on fashion is I got a beautiful email from a reader thanking me for making her realize she is WORTH fixing up and dressing up. She is retired and had forgotten that and let herself go a bit. I could totally relate to this.

Years ago I saw an original What Not To Wear with Susanna and Trinny where they took three post menopausal women and did make overs. Omgoodness, I actually got big tears in my eyes when I saw their radiant smiles and faces after the makeovers. Changing their hair, makeup and clothing truly changed their demeanor.

(these makeovers are not from the show, but they are just as dramatic)

They stood up straighter and taller, wore radiant smiles and walked with a sense of purpose. 

Somewhere during and after menopause so many women give up and this saddens me greatly. 

There is nothing worse than feeling invisible. Society tends to try and make our age group invisible so it is up to us to make a statement, loud and clear that, "We are still here and we have a lot to say and do, so pay attention!


I have a heart for women and I love to see them be the best version of themselves that they can be. 

While I am out and about I often do mini makeovers in my head when I see a sad faced, slumped over lady walking while shopping. I hurt for her and would love to help her spruce up a bit, and be the best version of herself.

for more of these dramatic makeovers click on  link HERE!

This blog will always be a design blog because after all that is what I did as a career for over 30 years, but first and foremost I am a woman of a certain age, (soon to be 66.) 

 (most recent picture of myself)

 I want to always strive to be the best version of myself.  I have a saying...

I have a feeling that too many of us just figure once we are old we can, or should stop trying to be fashionable, or pretty ourselves up for yourself.

My own mother is such an inspiration to me. She gets ups everyday, showers, dresses, and puts on a little lipstick and blush, EVERY SINGLE DAY!! 

I might not do that every single day, but I will tell you this, it takes so little effort to put on lipstick and blush, and on the days I do that, I do feel better about myself.

So in the future I am going to do more fashion post, I will show what I like and even sometimes what I don't like and I promise I will always tell you why.I am not an expert nor will I ever claim to be. Go to Beth's blog,Style At A Certain Age, for expert advice, and come here if you like my style, and my philosophy on fashion.

I am a student of life, and a teacher at heart so I will be making some new discoveries along the way right along with you.

If there are any particular subjects that you would like me to address, please email me, or leave your request in the comments. 

Without the emails that I received I am not sure I would be brave enough to do more fashion post, so thank you to all the readers that let me know what they need and want!!

 BTW: All above images are styles that would represent my style and I would wear them.



  1. I would love to see more posts like this because I would wear every single outfit you pictured. I read Beth's blog already (she's fantastic!), and would love another source of inspiration. Kathysue, there are 30 years between us; but our style is so similar that I'd gratefully receive more inspiration and advice from you via posts. Thank you for cheering up my day! :)

  2. Great post Kathysue....Went on a little bit of a Spring shopping spree a couple weeks ago....comfy, yet stylish clothes is what I love....even though I am 60+, I still love wearing my preppy clothes, throwing in a trend here and there...ballet flats and sandals are my go to footwear lately; however, recently found some great wedge shoes to wear that are comfy. The timing of this post is rather appropriate today, as our friend Kim (SSS) is enjoying today with Beth. Must say that I love that striped blouse in the first set of the clothing collages...The Tory Burch ballets are bad either!!!!

  3. I'll be looking forward to your new line of posts. I enjoy reading Beth's blog and even find inspiration from her when I'm going to be out and about. Your right, many times you can tweak what she wears to what you have. Your style sounds similar to mine, so I'll be looking for your inspiration, too!

  4. Remember you asked the question. I am not interested in fashion posts at all. Particularly when the blogger is wearing the fashions. I do like the posts more when the fashions are laid out and one can imagine for themselves how they are going to look. However, when the blogger is wearing the clothes ...I unsubscribe after a few posts of that nature. Just one opinion.

  5. I also enjoyed your blog post on helping your mom put together a spring wardrobe and took away several good ideas for myself. Although I always enjoy your interior design posts, I also enjoy the fashion ones as well. I too do both type blog posts because they are interests of mine. And doesn't Beth have the greatest sense of style? I so enjoy her blog.

  6. I enjoyed the little post about your mom. Women of her age are such an inspiration to those of us getting up there (64 three weeks ago). Like your Mom, I never go anywhere without a touch of mascara and lip gloss. And like you I spend most of my day in workout clothes or leggings. While I am comfortable with my own style I do enjoy seeing how other women my age put together outfits so I say go for it. Your passion and enjoyment of the process is what comes through, not necessarily your style, and that is what people enjoy. :)

  7. Kathysue, I'm a fan of your fashion posts. We have similar tastes! I'm happy to know about Beth's blog. I will watch it.
    Being retired, skinny jeans, flats, and a cute tee seem to be my spring wardrobe.

  8. Keep these fashion posts a coming, Kathysue! I would wear everyone of those outfits...I just turned 65. Old age thinking is a state of mind...and I refuse to participate! I'll be checking out Beth's blog too! Thanks for this! ;)

  9. Hi Kathy!
    What a lovely post. Thank you for the shoutout! It's funny, but I love interior design even more than I do fashion design. So I'm not surprised one bit that you love putting together outfits. Can't wait to see your future posts, I love your design posts so I know I'll love your fashion ones.
    xoxo beth

  10. I love fashion equally as much as home fashion. I got to have lunch with Beth today and we had the best time. She is just as beautiful in person. I thought she would be taller, but just a few inches taller than me. I'm looking forward to more outings with her.

  11. Love your take on fashion. I agree with you, I often feel invisible & sometimes wonder "why am I bothering" but once I make the effort to get dressed up & get my hair done I feel so much better when I look in the mirror. Fashion is not just about clothes it's about how we feel when we get dressed & how we feel as we age. I will be turning 70 this year & celebrating my 50th with my wonderful husband. I have often thought I would love to own a clothing store just for older women where they could get great honest advice, a terrific outfit; the correct accessories & leave feeling like a million bucks. Pity I live in Canada - we could dress the continent Kathy Sue!!!!


  12. Love your take on fashion. I agree with you, I often feel invisible & sometimes wonder "why am I bothering" but once I make the effort to get dressed up & get my hair done I feel so much better when I look in the mirror. Fashion is not just about clothes it's about how we feel when we get dressed & how we feel as we age. I will be turning 70 this year & celebrating my 50th with my wonderful husband. I have often thought I would love to own a clothing store just for older women where they could get great honest advice, a terrific outfit; the correct accessories & leave feeling like a million bucks. Pity I live in Canada - we could dress the continent Kathy Sue!!!!


  13. I have a dear friend that is 70+ and she is always impeccably dressed. She gets treated with respect when she goes anywhere. I have known her for almost 50 years & have never seen her without makeup.
    I look forward to more fashion posts. I want to feel less invisible & more like my friend.

  14. i love this! i can totally see you embracing this as a regular feature since there is definitely a niche to fill. maybe you could get vendors to send over the outfits for your review too! :) i love the skinny white jeans with everything, and i have actually begun to wear ballet flats after decades of believing i was just too shrimpy. peace to you.

  15. I worked for years in Fashion and love beautiful clothes and always admire anyone who takes the time to wear what they love and create a style that works for them. Although I am in my 50's, I want to look ageless, fresh, timeless and comfortable. I would love more fashion posts that inspire and am aiming to edit my wardrobe because I always seem to gravitate to the same items.

  16. Excellent Kathysue! I love to see the magic of makeovers both in fashion and design! These women look incredible!

    The Arts by Karena

  17. Great blog today Kathysue and I look forward to other ones about fashion. You have a wonderful style!!


I would love to hear from you, Kathysue