Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Today Is The DAY!!!


It’s here! The long awaited day.

We are moving into our cottage today!! To say we are excited is an understatement. 

Last night we were talking last night and we still can’t believe we get to do this!

Throughout the week we have been taking over a lot of this and that’s this week and will continue to do so even after the movers move all the boxes and big stuff. 

The agenda for the rest of the week will be to try and find spaces for all our stuff, and there will  probably be some purging involved along the way. (kind of dreading that part, but all part of the process.)

The carpet situation got resolved on Monday. There were a couple of issues, but it all got ironed out in the end, and now we have the carpet that I chose. 

It looks just like I wanted it to look, and now the base of our home has a nice flow. Before it was, “ Hmmmm? I wonder what she has planned for these rooms?”

Ribbet collage Wrong and Correct New Carpet

The wrong carpet was a greige with a green undertone. 

You might not be able to see it on your monitors, but trust me on this one, it was dreary. Also the wood flooring is more mellow than pictured with more brown undertones so the new carpet has a nice flow.

The correct carpet is a nice sand color, and it just flows with the hardwood and the tile in the master bathroom. In fact the carpet looks almost the same color as the grout, the counters and the shower walls. 

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The other thing you cannot see in pictures is this carpet has a subtle texture, just a little pin dot, for texture, not a color just the weave has a pin dot.

The  take away from all of this is...

 ......make sure you get a sample of the carpet you chose, if at all possible. Also try to be there on install day to make sure they have the correct padding installed. 

We upgraded the padding, and when we stepped on the carpet it felt like there was not enough padding.

Once the carpet was ripped up my suspensions were confirmed, wrong carpet color, wrong padding. They had to scurry to get the right padding here.

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We are up bright and early this morning and ready for the big job of the day!!! 

Next blog post will be written from our new home. Now that is exciting!!!


  1. Exciting day! I am glad you could resolve the carpet issue before you moved in!

  2. Have a smooth, FUN moving day!!!!


  3. YAY - so excited for you!! Happy moving day!!

  4. Yay I hope all went well! I bet you're exhausted but relieved at the same time. Good thing you caught this carpet and pad issue. Congratulations on your new home!

  5. Oh I know you must be excited....looking forward to the next phase of furniture in the rooms!

  6. Kathysue, I'm so happy for you!! Enjoy the day but don't work too hard! Thanks for your tips. I'm going to be getting samples of everything (if possible) like you did. The carpet looks wonderful with the hardwood!!

  7. you go, kathysue! let the adrenaline kick into high gear and take possession of that beautiful cottage! xox

  8. Oh, how well I remember moving day! Wasn't sure I would live over it but that was 9 weeks ago and I am alive and kicking. 😀 Hope everything goes smoothly as you make your house a home.


I would love to hear from you, Kathysue