Thursday, July 23, 2015

Our New House Has It's Front Facade!!!


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Things are moving right along with our new build home. 

We made our weekly visit to the job site and we were greeted by our sweet little cottage’s front facade being worked on.

This is one of the things I was so looking forward to seeing done because this is what is giving my home it’s cottagey feel.

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We now hove siding, shakes, corbels and board and batten, plus a charming little square vent cover in the front. 
Our porches support column now has its top and bottom finishing touches. 

It is all coming together nicely. Can’t wait to see it when the paint gets applied, that will be the finishing touch.

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This is all very exciting to us!

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The front window will have black shutters, which is exactly what I would have added if they weren’t already there. 

There just might be a window box in our future, if the HOA allows one. 

We will have to get use to living with the constraints of an HOA, but I remind myself the rules that might bother us are also the rules that protect us from others that might not keep there homes up to the standards of the community.

It  has been even more fun than I anticipated, watching our house being built.

More To Come!!



  1. Kathy, I think you are going to love your small cottage home. We downsized to Garden Home eight years ago, and I would do it all over again. You will have it so warm and cozy and inviting before you know it.

  2. Yay, Kathysue, it is so YOU!! It is great so see your home coming along so quickly (though it may not seem like it to you!)

    The Arts by Karena
    Ceramic Artist Leah Bowring

  3. Very charming, indeed! YAY, Kathysue! Enjoy the weekend ahead. Can't wait for the next update. xo

  4. How exciting! It won't be long before you're unpacking & trying to figure out where to put everything.

  5. Congrats, Kathysue, It is so exciting.

  6. So exciting for you. HOA's can be a real pain but they do prevent your neighbor from parking a large RV or painting their house pink or having foot high weeds in the yard so they serve a purpose. I think a weather vane would be the finishing touch on your new cottage...but probably not in the CC&R's. :( thanks for sharing the process and progress with us.

  7. It's getting cuter each visit! I love seeing the new facade- the home's personality is really coming alive!

  8. How exciting...and love the idea of the window boxes!!! I want to place ones under my front windows too, but have to check with that HOA!

  9. Things are really coming along nicely on your new home. Didn't realize how I missed the boards and shingles you're having on the exterior. Everything in the desert is stucco or brick -- wood isn't an option with our climate.

  10. a window box would be perfect! i love these details on the cottage! i won't be able to have such details in my ol' place, but i can ooh and ahh over your brand spankin new one (and the NEW SMELL inside! jealous!).


I would love to hear from you, Kathysue