Friday, April 24, 2015

Not Totally Letting Go!!!


There are so many things I will miss about living in our home of 37 years. One of the things I actually posted on my Facebook page yesterday and everyone was telling me to TAKE it with me, was this wall planter that hangs by my front door.

Porch Easter flowers 2012 005 (600x800)
Trust me there was a great debate about several things we are leaving, and this was one of them.

 I purchased it years ago, and knew that someday it might rust out or fall apart, so I have kept my eyes open for years for another one. 

Before I finally decided to leave it, I had to make sure I could find another one.

Summer front porch 2012 013

Well, three days ago I found one. I was like a little kid that just got their first bike for Christmas.

In fact it  is even better, it can be hooked up to a pump, and it will serve as a wall fountain once we move into a new house, or we can use it as a planter, whatever works out best for the new application.

So all my wonderful Facebook friends can rest assured, Kathysue will get to have another one of these in her life again!

Boys a Silhouettes on Door Christmas 2013 002 (800x600)

I actually found it online and have already ordered it in flat black. It is on a 3 week back order so hopefully it will arrive before we move……


Thank you all for your support and concerns about me leaving my pretty little wall planter, but you see Kathysue is a planner, so all is well with my world!!

to be cont


  1. Lady luck WAS smiling on you!! franki

  2. That's great that you found a replacement! When we sold one of our homes I double checked with the buyers to find out if they wanted extras like that. You might find out that the buyer loved it or didn't want it so that could be an option too. I'm imagining they'd want it but some people aren't too bright! Lol...

  3. Love it!! Cannot wait to see it in your new home. Hope all is going well with this big change - wow! Don't keep us waiting too long. Cheers

  4. It is gorgeous, Kathysue, and the planter you are leaving is one of those special additions to your home that will make your buyers feel so good!

    The Arts by Karena

  5. Wow you are moving! Congrats, I need to read back and see how/when and all the of luck as you start a new chapter!

  6. Oh, we are in the throws of making the same decisions about many, many things at this house. We'll be moving into our new house in a couple of months after living here for 34 years. It's no easy process for sure!


I would love to hear from you, Kathysue