Sunday, February 15, 2015

Some Spring Changes For My Home


When I posted about my two color picks for 2015 I had something in mind for my own home with these two colors.

With Spring right around the corner could there be any more perfect colors to add to your home than pink, and/or yellow?

2015 color of the year pale blushCOLOR FOR 2013

In my own home the perfect room to add these colors to is my family room, with its black and white and blue and white base these two colors could integrate easily.

With these two colors in mind, I began to think of ways to add them to my room. Pillows were the obvious and easiest choice.

I went to Etsy to see what the offerings would be in fabric patterns that I like.

Ribbet collage familyroom bright spring pillows3

There were so many colorful choices that seemed as if they would work. I put different combinations together…..

Ribbet collage familyroom bright spring pillows

My sofa is a classic blue and white ticking stripe and my chairs are white slipcovers, so you can see just about anything could work….

Ribbet Edit pillow collage 4
BUT!! Just because it looks good on paper doesn’t always mean it will work in person or for the person.

This is why I always get swatches and live with the idea of the upcoming change before investing money into anything new for my home.

You see, it has always been as important, or more important to me that my home maintains the, “feeling,” I have worked so hard to achieve. 

I require a fresh, happy, soothing, calm atmosphere in my home. So with that in mind I discovered that the color pink in this paritcular setting was not giving me the feel I wanted.

I did several mock-ups of different combinations, none of which was quite working for me.

Ribbet Edit family room collage 2
As fresh and fun as it looked on paper, it still was not quite right for me, personally.

Ribbet Edit  collage for Family room

I want to bring up the an important point here….

Always stay true to yourself because in the end no one else will be paying, or living with your final choices but YOU!!

It looks like there will not be pink in the room this time around. Every combination where I added  pink felt jarring to my eye. 

I found that the addition of the yellow felt more like ME! Yellow transitioned into the blue, green, black color combination easily and smoothly.

Here is a line-up of the fabrics that I truly love….

Ribbet collage The contenders spring pillows family room

I have been in the process of ordering samples and still have a few more to arrive. Once I get those samples I then feel I will be able to move forward. You see, I have lived with the idea of the change long enough to know that it will be easy to get the look and feel I want.

Then a very pleasant surprise came to me via my sweet husband. I was showing him a chair I had admired for a very long time (actually years) that happened to be on sale. 

I shared with him how I have had this particular style chair on my radar for awhile now. He said he like it, and nothing more was said about it.

UNTIL….. That evening  a few days before Valentines day he said , “ Go ahead, and order that chair!” 

To be honest I actually did not know what the heck he was talking about and asked, “What chair?” Then he told me and  said, “ Happy Valentines Day!”of course I squealed with delight. I still can’t believe it!!

So now there will be a new player in the upcoming scene in my family room…..


I have fabric samples coming my way. All are neutrals so it can slide into my room easily, or any other room for that matter.

There will be a bit more time that has to pass before I have all the swatches, and everything lined up.

NEXT, will be placing just the right pillow in just the right color on just the right pieces of furniture in my room. ( I sound like Goldilocks of design!)



  1. Can't wait to see which ones you pick!!! And how lucky are you to get a chair for Valentines!!!

  2. The chair is perfect. What a thoughtful gift. I agree with you about pink in your space. I think yellow will enhance your room and your style so much better.

  3. Beautiful chair...can't wait to see what you put with it! Since you're talking about pillows, I have a question. My furniture are all solid warm colors. The only pattern is on a few pillows...pillows with black background and palm fronds..greens, a little gold and copper. Im suddenly drawn to white background with geometric patterns. The neutrals I have are more pale white. The lady at fabric store said it wouldn't work and I tend to agree but would love another opinion! Thanks for all feedback :)

  4. Fabulous chair....waiting for the next "Chapter"!

  5. I have always loved that bobbin chair style. What a great Valentines Day gift (and a great hubby)

    Cant wait to see what you do with it.

  6. Jo Ann, thank you for reading my blog and here is a post that just might help you out.....


I would love to hear from you, Kathysue