Saturday, February 21, 2015

My Tried And True Skin Care Products


It is almost Spring, and time to reevaluate our skincare, and make-up routines. 

It seems with each new decade my skin changes a bit, and not always for the better.  

Let’s just say at the age of 64 my skin has gone through a lot of changes, if you know what I mean.

This year in particular I have noticed a huge difference in my skin. I believe a lot of that is due to a very stressful year with health issues for my sweet hubby. (all is well and life is wonderful now)

I also have to admit I am a bit of a product junky. I read copious amounts of information about skincare and beauty products.

However there some products that are tried and true that I re-purchase over and over again.

Today I thought it would be fun to show you what is tried and true, and a few new to me products I am enjoying so far.

I guess the best place to start is at the base of it all…..

Facial Cleanser

I have used Lierac oil for several years now. It is a product from Paris, and it is such a wonderful cleanser. It is an botanical base, but don’t let that scare you. 

When water is added it emulsifies, and rinses off easily. It has a lovely fragrance and leaves my dry skin soft and satiny. I love this stuff.


Once my skin is all clean I apply a serum. Serums are new to  me, but I am now a believer. 

It takes about 4-5 weeks to see a difference, but all of the sudden I noticed the texture in my skin was softer, the lines less noticeable, and the pores smaller.

If you are not using a serum I would definitely look for one that suits your needs. This one suits my needs perfectly, and I have found it to be very effective.


This product is new to me. In the past I have used facial quality oils on my face, and have enjoyed the feel and the results. 

This particular oil has so many good botanical oils for your face that it is worth the try to see if it works for you.


You can probably tell I have dry/sensitive skin so I am very careful with what I put on my face. This next product is tried and true, and I have used it for several years and absolutely love it.

It gives my skin a great deal of moisture plus protection from the harmful rays of sun that age us so quickly. Protect, protect, protect!!  Oh how I wish I knew then what I know now!!


After cleansing my skin at night and applying my serum I use this as my night cream. 

This particular cream is new to me, but so far I LOVE it. It makes a great night cream because it holds in the moisture for 12 hours, perfect for a night cream.

Once a week I will use an exfoliant, not a scrub but an exfoliant. I have found my sensitive/dry skin can’t take more than once or twice a week.

After I cleanse my face I will apply this first……
This product is made to use everyday, but I have found I can not use it everyday so I use it once or twice a week. 

We all need to exfoliate in order to slough off dead skin cells so our products we are using can get down to our skin, and not just lay on top of the dead skin cells.

I am sure a professional could explain it better, but that is my layman terms trying to explain the, WHY of using an exfoliant.

Once a week I do what I call my puffing, and fluffing day. 

That particular day is where I put a mask on my hair, and face and leave it all day and hope and pray no one comes over. 

I would die if someone saw me all slicked up!!! Not a pretty picture.

I just ran out of both of the products I normally use and since I am a product junkie I am on the hunt for some new products to try. 

If you have any recommendations please leave a comment and SHARE!!!

When I am in the market for any new products for my beauty regime I go to 

This is an unbiased review source that reviews all kinds of brands and products. It is a wealth of information.

Keep in mind what works for me, just might not work for you, but I wanted to share what has worked for me and is still working for me.

You will notice that many of the products I use are Paula’s choice products. I highly recommend her products. 

I am not being compensated by her company, but I am suggesting these products based on my experiences in using her products, and reviewing of other products.

The offer below is for anyone who is a Paula’s Choice product user.

If you would like to try any of her products click on the code below and you will get $10 off your first order and I will get a $10 credit. A win-win for both of us…..

 click here:

Please leave a comment, and share what is working for you! We can all learn from each other, and besides I love reading comments from my readers!!


  1. Kathy: Guess it's really that time of year: I'm doing a post Monday on dealing with dry skin! It's been so unusually cold here and I 've made a few discoveries this winter, so thought I would share them. Yes, like you, I have fair, light and dry skin. I've used a serum for about a year now, and agree, they are great! Thanks for all the suggestions...

  2. Kathysue, I had not even heard of Paula's products and they sound wonderful. I have been wanting to try a new serum, so this may be the one! Thank you so much for sharing this great info!

    The Arts by Karena
    Wildlife Photographer David Gulden

  3. Just ordered so you should get your discount as well! Thanks Kathysue!

  4. Thank you Karena, let me know how you like it after you use it for awhile.

  5. I use Paula's serum too, I have a high opinion of her products.

    I just finished reading a book, Toss the Gloss, lots of interesting information, it is written for women 50+. A real revelation to me was how so many companies are owned by the same manufacturer and many of the same ingredients are used in both their high end and drugstore products.

  6. just yesterday i received an email from beautypedia then found myself off to paula's choice. with oily skin i found more great products. love paulas choice

  7. I swear by the gold collagen mask. I use it twice a week. I carefully put the mask and liquid from the original packaging into a gallon baggie so that I can reuse the mask at least once.


I would love to hear from you, Kathysue