Monday, January 26, 2015

Craving Some Color In My Home For Spring

(minus the orange of course.)

Maybe it is the dreary foggy days we have been having lately that has me craving some cheerful, happy colors.

I am a Springtime gal at heart and the colors in my home reflect that.

Blues, greens, mixed with black and white is always at the base of my personal décor. 

This base has allowed me to add other colors easily. Two colors that I want to add for Spring are the colors I predicted as this years colors of the year.

2015 color of the year pale blushCOLOR FOR 2013
In looking around at rooms that incorporate these colors as well as the other colors in my room I have actually found a few that I like….


When adding a new element or color to a room, it is a good idea to clip ,or pin images of rooms you like, and then dissect them to see what it is that you are drawn to in each image. 

For instance in this image I am drawn to three things, the overall color scheme, the landscape print and the graphic black and white pillow on the center of the couch.

Below you will see a list of elements, and colors that I need/want in my room. This list was made by analyzing every picture in this post.

This is a process I use to take my clients through in order to determine what they truly loved and needed to have in their environment.

In doing this you will see puzzle pieces emerge and then there will be a definite element or color that is a constant as you will see in the following images that I pinned for my own study.

kirsten_kelli 3
The rug is the first thing that catches my eye in this image. I also love the colors, bright pink, blues, greens with a base of black and white. The blue and white porcelain seems to be a constant in rooms that I love as well.


Again we see the same rug that I have in my family room. In this room I am struck by a couple of things.
The nod to the beach with the large clam shell which holds a pink orchid, just the right amount of pink. 

The emerald green lamps with touches of gold are also quite appealing to my design senses.


This image has many of the same elements I am attracted to in the other images, except there is an addition of one more color, YELLOW!. I love the way it makes the room happy!!

Love it all in this collage. Colors, textures, patterns.

Again, pink flowers, graphic print in the candle box, blue, green, pink and a touch of turquoise.

Graphic patterns in stripe and pillows. A nod to Greek key pattern in the green pillow. Colors, blue, white, pink green turquoise.

There is definitely a pattern that is happening in my way of thinking about what I like in a room!!

Colors, patterns and large artwork.

Bright emerald green is the star here, with touches of pink and a citron yellow. 

Chinoiserie is another favorite look which would tie in with the preppy side of my brain.

Navy and white, pink and white on a blackish bench. Graphic pillow patterns and Greek key motif. Touches of gold.

Blue and white with greens and pink. Touches of Chinoiserie, and graphic patterns.

You know the drill by now, all the colors and elements are here! This makes me smile!!

This wallpaper is a favorite of mine as are all of the colors here. Notice the art piece with the yellow background the two Chinese porcelain urns and pink flowers. LOVE that!!!

I won’t be using any gray but I will be using the other colors in this image in some shape or form.

I can not think of the addition of pink in my room without thinking of Jennifer from Pink Pagoda blog.

She has used the blue and white with pink in her home for as long as I have read her blog. 

She does an impeccable job with this color combination. Always with a classic touch. 

The above picture is of her recent re-do of her entry hall. Be sure and visit her blog and you will see how talented she is, and why she is a good one to follow if you love pinks and blues, and just good design!

Below is the list I told you I was making of all of the elements,colors, and textures that are appealing to me. I created this list as I analyzed each picture in the post. 

This is a very easy process to do and you will see a pattern emerge as you analyze your favorite images.

I have found this to be a very good method to really come to terms with what a client, or in this case, what I will love in my rooms additions.

1. Large graphic artwork

2. black and white graphic prints

3. blue and white porcelain

4. black and white graphic rug

5. nod to the beach

6.  fresh pink flowers in the room

7. the introduction to some bright emerald

8. add happy yellow in at least one area

9. Chinoiserie influences

10. Greek key motif

11. touches of gold metal

I hope this little exercise will help you out with some of your future projects. It is a really fun exercise to do, and it is one that will only work if you are being completely honest with yourself what you truly love in a room.

Stay tuned to how I plan on adding some of the above elements into my family room for Spring!!

All of the above images can be found on my pinterest board……


  1. Love this post Kathysue as I so love color!...Just love your inspiration pics!

  2. I love that b/w rug just like you do! I have it in 2 rooms :) Also, not sure if I told you, but it's your fault that I'm hooked on pink and obsessing about where I can put it (from your lovely pins)!! But I really am trying to step back and enjoy the process rather than obsess - I learned that here!

  3. "Dimples & Tangles!" I have that striped rug and STILL luv it!! franki

  4. I love all of the eye candy and cheerful colors. Elegant vignettes, tons of ideas, and a sure mood lifter on a dark winter day.

  5. Kathysue I love Jennifer's entry and the one with your rug as well. I have not seen it available in black and white though, have you? Is yours Ikea?

    New Feature Frederique Chemin

  6. Love your post, I am really needing to get some color into my home and this is really inspirational. Where may I ask is the rug from? Thanks!


  7. Hi Debbie, the rug is from Ikea, here is the link....

  8. Thank you so much, Kathysue, for your LOVELY mention!! I like yellow included, too, but maybe more minimally than you. Other than that, I'm right there with you on your entire list : ) I'm honored to be included in this great post!

  9. Such a helpful and fun exercise! I love your approach to design and great analysis on color, texture and pattern. Looking forward to your family room changes. xo

  10. Can't wait to see your changes Kathysue! I love all of your inspiration...what's not to love!!!

  11. Hi Kathy Sue... I love color and I have plenty of it in my house. it just makes me happy! Have a great weekend!!


I would love to hear from you, Kathysue