Monday, January 20, 2014

Decisions And Debates Going On At My House


We are in the midst of making some decisions about our Kitchen re-do. 

There are so many directions we could go, but since I am pretty much a traditional-with-a-twist kind of gal it will lean mostly toward a classic look.

The past few days the big debate has been about this wall…..
bottles 004 (600x800)
The wall at the end of my kitchen breakfast bar.

It has always bothered me a bit because it never seemed integral to the kitchen, and I would like to make it more a part of the kitchen area than a part of the family room…..

Countertops 005 (800x600)
You can see I put up some tissue paper to get an idea of what  a wall of white subway tile would look like.

We are putting subway tile as a back splash and it will also go around the window, no more wallpaper in this area so in my minds eye it feels as if it should go up the wall at the end of the bar as well.

Hubby totally disagrees, so of course that has put doubt in my mind as well. So what is a girl to do?

Well, if she is lucky enough to have talented readers of her blog she can ask them.

So that is just what I am doing, what do you all think of a wall of subway at the end of my bar?

I tried to do a mock-up to get a visual but it is not really a very good mock-up….

subway wall

I even played around with adding shelves to the subway wall, but I am reluctant to do that, since I am a no visual clutter kind of gal, and this would be an area I would have to have STUFF so I am not sure about that idea. 

I borrowed some shelving images, and cropped them to go in this space, again, not great but gives me an idea of how it could look.

Ribbet Edit tile with shelves and sconce
The shelving would have to be the same green as the cabinetry. The other downside is once you put up shelving on tile it is permanent.

My question to you dear readers is……

Tile the wall or to NOT tile the wall?