Monday, January 20, 2014

Decisions And Debates Going On At My House


We are in the midst of making some decisions about our Kitchen re-do. 

There are so many directions we could go, but since I am pretty much a traditional-with-a-twist kind of gal it will lean mostly toward a classic look.

The past few days the big debate has been about this wall…..
bottles 004 (600x800)
The wall at the end of my kitchen breakfast bar.

It has always bothered me a bit because it never seemed integral to the kitchen, and I would like to make it more a part of the kitchen area than a part of the family room…..

Countertops 005 (800x600)
You can see I put up some tissue paper to get an idea of what  a wall of white subway tile would look like.

We are putting subway tile as a back splash and it will also go around the window, no more wallpaper in this area so in my minds eye it feels as if it should go up the wall at the end of the bar as well.

Hubby totally disagrees, so of course that has put doubt in my mind as well. So what is a girl to do?

Well, if she is lucky enough to have talented readers of her blog she can ask them.

So that is just what I am doing, what do you all think of a wall of subway at the end of my bar?

I tried to do a mock-up to get a visual but it is not really a very good mock-up….

subway wall

I even played around with adding shelves to the subway wall, but I am reluctant to do that, since I am a no visual clutter kind of gal, and this would be an area I would have to have STUFF so I am not sure about that idea. 

I borrowed some shelving images, and cropped them to go in this space, again, not great but gives me an idea of how it could look.

Ribbet Edit tile with shelves and sconce
The shelving would have to be the same green as the cabinetry. The other downside is once you put up shelving on tile it is permanent.

My question to you dear readers is……

Tile the wall or to NOT tile the wall?



  1. I think tiling the wall would be my choice. Even in your mock-up it looks more cohesive. I am not a shelving person,(more cleaning.)

  2. Well, all of your visible wall space from the counter top and bar will be subways, so to me it would look odd if it's not like the rest of the space since that bar goes all the way to the end of that little wall space. I have a friend in your subdivision that has your floor plan and I understand how it looks aside from the picture. Good luck. I suspect it will make your kitchen look larger as well because of the smooth counter tops and the clean lines of the subways throughout the kitchen. Yes, so many decisions. Have fun. Oh, and I'd skip any kind of shelving. Like the clean line best. Our eyes have to have a place to rest, don't you think? :)

  3. I say yes to tiling the wall.
    From the angle of your photo it just looks right and enhances the kitchen.
    Definitely no to shelves though.
    Very exciting.
    Your family room turned out so well, I know this will too!!!

  4. No expert here, but would definitely continue the tile. No shelves. It would look great.

  5. At first I thought no but you did such a cute mockup I like it. I don't think the shelves need to be green....they could be white or reclaimed wood also. Plus you could style them with a small piece of art and some white bowls or platters. What if you only took the tile up the standard backsplash height and painted the rest of the wall white still adding shelves. Then they wouldn't be so permanent. Glad it's your decision....not mine:)

  6. Tile the wall! It will line up with the soffit overhang and the countertop. Makes sense to me. I hope you are having fun with this project. It can be both stressful and joyful. I wish you more of the latter.

  7. Good Morning!
    If it were my kitchen, I would tile the wall and no shelving. A clean, uncluttered look.

  8. I would paint it either the color of the tile or the color of the cabinets. This is a great space to hang pictures or shelves. I like to change things up too much to install a permanent fixture such as tile. Another thought is find some wallpaper like your tile and paper it so you could put pictures or shelves over it. Good Luck!

  9. That is a big decision Kathysue. I think I do like the idea of the tile, but first I wondered if the tile will also be going over your kitchen window and up alongside the cabinet? I do think the wall belongs to the kitchen and not to the family room. I love the idea of shelves, but if you don't I do think you would need something on that wall to break up the tile. I would even consider installing a narrow cabinet {less tile and more storage}
    I know whatever you do it will look great.
    Good luck,

  10. That is a big decision Kathysue. I think I do like the idea of the tile, but first I wondered if the tile will also be going over your kitchen window and up alongside the cabinet? I do think the wall belongs to the kitchen and not to the family room. I love the idea of shelves, but if you don't I do think you would need something on that wall to break up the tile. I would even consider installing a narrow cabinet {less tile and more storage}
    I know whatever you do it will look great.
    Good luck,

  11. I would not tile this area and either put in open shelving to display unique objects or hang a picture.

  12. Have you considered either extending the existing window or adding a new one. It looks like it would give you some extra light onto the counter & bring the outdoors in. - Just a thought!


  13. Kathysue, what do hubbys know? I love your mock up. I say go for it.

  14. I would choose not to tile the wall. You would have more flexibility regarding this area. Eyes will first look to your cabinets and lighting.
    Just my 2 cents worth!

  15. Love it, Kathysue!
    Adding the tile and shelving to your breakfast bar seating area will help to make that area feel more a part of your kitchen and give the feeling of it being a wee bit bigger, too. I'm sure no matter what you do it will be just lovely.

    Can't wait to see what you decide! :)

  16. Love your idea's, Kathysue!
    I think by tiling that area will help to make your breakfast bar feel more a part of your kitchen and, as well, help to make that area feel a wee bit bigger too. Adding the shelves will help to define it and create a bit more interest. Lovely!
    Can't wait to see what you decide! :)

  17. Don't think I love the tile. Would a shallow cabinet with glass windows be a possibility?

  18. I don't love the subway tile but wonder if a shallow cabinet with glass doors would be a possibility.

  19. No tile. There is nowhere else in the kitchen that has tile that goes up that high.

    I would give the wall the same treatment as is given to the wall above the sink. If you are keeping the wallpaper there, but have no more wallpaper to use on the end wall, paint stripes to mimic the wallpaper.

    Subway tile that high up on a wall makes it feel like a bathroom.

    Visually the wall is a continuation of the wall above the sink.

    Another option would be to put some moulding on the wall, to mimic a picture frame (I'm sure there's a term for this but can't think of it at the moment).

    No tile.

  20. Love the idea of tile Kathysue...but if it were my kitchen, I'd nix the shelves. I think it might look too cluttered. Whatever you decide...have fun with it! You don't get to do this very often! ;)

  21. If you are tiling all around the window and above it, then I would continue it like your mock up. If you're leaving the area above the window and to the right of the window (where the wallpaper is now) without tile, I definitely wouldn't tile the family room part of the wall. For me, it's all or nothing. If you are changing the countertop, and getting rid of the short backsplash, I wouldn't do it then, either. No doubt this is a tough one!!

  22. If you put in the subway tile on the wall I would definitely add a strip of vertical molding between the subway tile and the painted wall, I think that would add to delineating the two rooms.

  23. I say go for it. The subway tile is going to look so good.

  24. Hello Kathy

    Fun and decisions.

    Would you consider putting one of the green kitchen cabinets on that wall. Perhaps not as deep as regular kitchen cabinets, with aged mottled mirror on the back wall of cabinet and glass doors.

    You have excellent taste and I know it will look wonderful

    Helen xx

  25. Personally, I am not a fan of subway tile, so I vote no to the tile and shelves. I would just hang a nice picture on the wall, however, you have such wonderful taste that I am sure whichever you decide will be lovely. Looking forward to the final reveal!

  26. I love tiled walls, but it is expensive! Either way, with the marble, it is going to be gorgeous.
    Can't wait to see it when you are finished performing your magic!


I would love to hear from you, Kathysue