Thursday, December 4, 2014

Working On My Tree And Mantel For This Year


I have been decking the halls, and Falalaing all along the way at my home this week.

With the Christmas music playing in the background all day, and the cold rainy weather outside the perfect stage has been set.

Taking my time, and trying to, “enjoy the process,” is my goal, especially during this time of year.

I will have to admit I have to consciously fight against the way of todays world with the check list, and the, “HAVE TO GET IT DONE,”  attitudes.

I have learned over the years that all the truly important things DO get done, but it is the little things that we thought we HAD to have done that we finally let go. As much as the doing is part of this season, so is the letting go of the unimportant.

For me if I have food, gifts, tree, and the mantel decorated, we are pretty much good to go. Those three things are what seem to be important to my family when they come to visit. They kind of expect certain things around here.

So let me share what we have done so far……
Ribbet collage Christmas prep 2014

First we arranged all the furniture so the tree could fit in the corner. Next, I cleared off the mantel. I find it easier to work with a clean slate.

Boxes came down from the rafters, Moravian star lights were hung and you can see Dougie, and I fluffing the branches for the tree.

We had a couple of hic-cups that involved the lights. 

Isn’t it always the LIGHTS?!

Only half the lights worked on two of the strands for the tree, and the garland for the mantel, none of the lights would work.

We laughed because this is pretty typical. So off Dougie went to the store, and came back with new lights in hand.

Back to decking the halls!!
I already knew the direction I was taking……

Ribbet Edit 2014 Christmas collage

Ribbet collage Christmas 2014 dining room

The one last thing I needed to start was the white birch logs, and I had a good friend offer some to me from her newly trimmed trees. (Thank you Toy!)


A pile of logs to most, but to me the base for my Christmas mantel.

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The tree now has lights, and the garland does too! 

Now we have our base to work with.

Let The Decking of the Halls Commence!!

I had a picture of what I wanted in my head. A winter wonderland with little snow critters.
Frosty whites, and natural wood, and greenery would be at the base, and the little critters would be the stars.
I did a post last year on a Woodland Christmas Theme
Ribbet collage Woodland Christmas 2

This was my inspiration for that Christmas board and this next image is what I came up with……

Ribbet Edit Woodland Christmas 11

If you go and read this post you will see the little critters that I found last year, that I wound up using this year. I love pinterest for keeping track of ideas for me.

You might be wondering why I am showing you this? It is a good idea to keep track of past and present ideas, you never know what you might be able to use, or what might jump start your ideas for this year.

With logs, and little critters in hand, I began my mantel….


Big decisions were being made Winking smile…. Little critters on birch pedetals, or not…..


How tall should the logs be?


The tree was ready to decorate! Now another big decision, what color of bows should I do, cobalt, like last year….

Christmas 2013 001 (600x800)ribbit

After all blue is a huge part of my room, but for some reason with this years look it felt too much to me.

So white bows won. I love a nice soft flowing bow so I use good quality double faced satin ribbon. This years bows are a bit larger since I used 3in. wide ribbon.

Then the next big decision had to be made, remember it is all in the details……

 Should I cut the ribbon ends in dog ear ends or slanted. I decided slanted, but have since changed my mind, and I will be cutting all streamers with a dog eared end….

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Placing all the family memories on our tree. Every single year I cry, but they are sweet happy Christmas tears of years gone by.....

 Sometimes I wish I had my three little boys back, but then I remember we still have lots of sweet memories to make.

Now go and Deck YOUR halls and start falalaing!!
Remember who and why your are doing all of this...

To Celebrate the Birth of Christ!!!



  1. Your mantel looks wonderful! Love the birch pieces with the woodland creatures. The trree looks so pretty. It's fun to do the decorating and come up with new looks each year without completely changing everything.

  2. I am so hoping to get mine done this weekend so I can relax and enjoy the season…loving all of the lights - looks gorgeous!!

  3. Hi Kathysue,
    I love your honest and open blog
    Thank you for sharing.

  4. It's looking so beautiful! You can never go wrong with white, your tree and all that go with it will be amazing. It only takes a few seconds to have a vision but it can take hours of work to make it come to life!

  5. Very pretty. I love all of the little creatures, where on earth did you find them all ~ adorable. Done with your usual elegance and grace.

  6. Happy December, Kathysue! Sounds like you are savoring every moment - I love your holiday spirit! Keep it light and bright....festive, too!! Cheers

  7. So pretty. I just can't seem to get going this year. I feel like any time I get free time I go shopping. I really don't feel like bringing all those Christmas boxes upstairs. Yikes.

  8. I Love the White ribbon!!!
    It'a lovely, soft and so so pretty!


I would love to hear from you, Kathysue