Monday, December 29, 2014


During the Holidays when our home is full of family we like to set up a game table in the living room.

I set up a 6ft long table, and put out games for anyone who likes to play, or sometimes we bring in the games to the dining table in the kitchen.

I find if the games are out and available they will play them more readily.

The kiddos all have their phones and/or electronic devices to play games on these days so I like to give them some hands-on games to play. It is amazing to me how much they seem to enjoy this family time.

This year I purchased some new games since all of my kiddos are now getting into the teen and pre-teen years. In my searching for new fun games I came across a few winners that were a hit with young and old.

(Papa and my youngest Grandson playing battleship)

I think he just sunk one of Papa’s ships, and is very proud of himself!!

Tenzi was probably the favorite by all. It is a fast moving dice game that can be played by up to 8 players. We all had so much fun playing this game!!

We all played this and had so much fun and laughed a lot!!

The next game is a real challenge to the individual player and has been around since the 1940’s

The object of the game is to get the steel ball to Saturn without dropping the ball. Since it is going up-hill it is all about control and gravity. Very challenging and fun. It is a lot harder than it looks.

SUSPEND is a really fun game that takes patience and finesse. No rushing in this game, it is all about being able to balance the pieces without making them all fall down. 

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It reminded me of Cirque du soleil at times. A game of concentration and strategy!

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     It looks like Papa is checking out the rules!P1140743 (800x600)

This last game appeared to be easy, but in reality it was a bit tricky, and it really showed us all how our minds could be fooled by what we were looking at….

If you want to stay alert and keep your mind busy and active this game is for you. We all had fun playing this game.

You will notice below each picture of the game there is the word via, just click on that and it will take you to the link where you can purchase them on Amazon!!


  1. Kathysue-
    Thank you for sharing1 I will have to pick up a few of these. We have pretty much gotten away from playing games, which we regularly played a few years ago.

  2. Fantastic! Love seeing your "family time" for the holidays and how you're enjoying them. Electronics are way over-rated and cut into real life communication, glad you're keeping some traditions alive.

  3. It's so fun to see traditions that are similar to our families. My husband and I always do jigsaw puzzles during the holidays. This comes from watching and helping my dad {a schoolteacher} do his puzzles during the Christmas break. We are now getting the grands to help us out.
    We bought Tenzi last year and had a lot of fun with it. Spot it is a fun one too. This year we played Mexican Train, left right center {dice game} guesstures.
    Such fun memories for the old and young!

  4. Our two youngest Granddaughters (4)found that the games Santa brought them were their favorites!!

  5. I love the idea of having them out on a games table as you are so right they are more likely to be used.

  6. What a great idea! Your family is darling. Hope you have a happy, healthy new year.

  7. We do this too, Kathysue. My son is a gaming king, and in the past two years as a young adult, he and his friends have gotten into board games as group evenings. He has a amassed a big collection of interesting board games that we all try out when we all get together. Me....I prefer jigsaw puzzles and always have one ready to do at Christmas. It's the only time of year I do that, but it always works and gets people talking and communicating that perhaps haven't seen each other all year.

    Looks like you're having a lovely holiday. Happy New Year!

  8. Thanks for the great suggestions! We love games but our selection is getting a little tired!! I am going to check that last one out!! Happy New Year!


I would love to hear from you, Kathysue