Wednesday, November 12, 2014



This post will be showing you how I coordinate my Christmas décor, and the three areas I concentrate on decorating in my home.

You will see last year Christmas décor, and my plans for this years porch and dining room.

When it comes to decorating for Christmas I try to stick to three areas. 

There can be too much Christmas décor, even for me, so by sticking to three areas it keeps it a bit more simple, and concise…….

Tip: remove other every day decor when adding Christmas decor in order to not make your rooms look too busy or cluttered.


This area sets the mood for your guest so be sure to make it welcoming, and festive.

Ribbit Boys Silhouettes on Door Christmas 2013 013 (615x800)
This is last years door that greeted my guest. 

I created a mood of nostalgia and sweet memories by using my 3 son’s silhouettes at different ages. Also notice the jingle bells under the green bow. (you can see more here)

For this years porch and entry I am trying  going to set a mood of a simple elegance, and introduce the use of blue and white that you will see throughout my home.

I won’t start the actual decorating until after Thanksgiving, but all the plans are in action……..

Ribbet Edit 2014 Christmas porch blue

I also have a red pillow option, the decision between blue or red has not been made yet, waiting for sample of the fabric. You can see the wreath I am making in the center and the other elements will be in the mix for sure.

The next area I try to make special is the dining room…..

Christmas Dining Table 002 (800x600)framed
I chose the black and white that I used on the front door, but you will notice a large Jingle bell is the main player in the dining room…..

Christmas Dining Table 003 (600x800) FRAMED
Did you read the sign?
See how I am carrying out my color scheme , and theme? Black and white, jingle bells, and Do you believe?

This years dining room is actually carrying out the design theme for my family room. (more on that later)


It all started with these three guys…….

I was discussing my plans with my like minded friends, and Debbie from Confessions of a Plate Addict blog found these for me. Thanks, again, DEB!!

Be sure and visit her blog, she does some amazing DIY and her Pottery Barn knock-offs are amazing.

I immediately fell in love with their faces. The fact that there are three is also meaningful to me since I have 3 son’s and 3 Grandchildren and 3 is my favorite number. ( I know, I know, I am just sentimental like that!)

The wheels started turning, and a the color scheme emerged, black and white with touches of green and for texture, birch logs…..

Ribbet collage Christmas 2014 dining room

This is my inspiration board with the elements I plan on incorporating.

I am pretty excited about making this come to fruition!!

Next will be the last area that I like to decorate…..

The Mantel next to our family tree……

Believe 004 (800x600) FRAMED
 From last year the black and white continued as well as, “BELIEVE!” from the dining room, but one more color was added, blue!!

Christmas 2013 018 (600x800)framed
The tree always has our family memories on it, but I will change out the bows, and add a few colored balls to continue with the over all design.

Christmas 2013 001 (600x800)ribbit

You will also notice that my wrapping paper is co-ordinated in the colors that I use. One paper is always there and that is my black and white striped signature wrap.

Ribbet collage Christmas Wrappings 2013

I actually use my wrapping paper as part of my Christmas décor by putting it in a French market basket.

Ribbet collage Christmas Ribbons 2013

I even keep my ribbons, and tags close at hand for easy access, and when they are sitting out, they go with the overall décor as well.

Now you know how my mind works, and how I try to make my Christmas decorating, meaningful, inviting and coordinated with my existing décor in my home. 

If you would like to see more of my Christmas decorating from years past, just type in Christmas in the search box on the right side bar.

More planning to do!!!!

I start early for some, late for others, in order to enjoy every single moment of this wonderful Holiday season!! 

The actual decorating will not take place until after Thanksgiving and then you will find me humming, decorating, wrapping and cooking.




  1. I love the direction you are going, Kathysue! And thanks for the shout out! You are a sweetie!...hugs...Debbie

  2. Those silhouettes of your boys are charming! And how stylish to incorporate accents of black. I am looking forward to your decor this year. Cheers

  3. I am so impressed by all of your planning...I usually just get all of the boxes out of storage and go from there. LOL That might be why your holiday decorations look so elegant and mine...well, a bit thrown together.

    Love what you are doing it is going to look super!

  4. Your decor is always fabulous. I can't wait to see what you do this year.

  5. i LOVE the idea of putting a mirror in a corner wall to reflect the beautiful ornaments! LOVE that!!!

  6. Looking forward to your Christmas decor this year and you are back in my email!!!!

  7. Its so much fun to watch the process Kathysue. I have begun to decorate, but I wish I gave a little more thought before hand. I seldom change much ~ a little here and there. The memories are the important thing for me, ones from the past and the ones I am consciously trying to make for my 5 grands.
    Happy decorating.

  8. Oh my goodness would you please come to my house and decorate!! Love those three owls!!

  9. Your holiday decor is always so lovely Kathysue! I love the silhouettes as well and your natural elements!

    The Arts by Karena

  10. Great strategy, three areas...coordination...fresh each got me thinking!


I would love to hear from you, Kathysue