Thursday, July 24, 2014

More Decisions Made For The Guest Room

We have the bed, the bedding, and a piece of art! 

Ribbet collage guest room

What’s next?

Navy and white are the base colors, and the art gave me the jumping off point for the use of some accent colors.

Ribbet collage guest room colors

One of my readers asked if I was going to paint the walls turquoise?


I plan on using a color with just a hint of blue green for the walls.  

The paint color has not been chosen yet, but I know the direction I am going, very soft, and pale for a soothing look.

Now is the time I need to make a list of the other elements I want in the room.

One of the main pieces in the room besides the  twin beds is the nightstand.

There will be one nightstand in between the two white beds backed with a pale blue green wall.

I played around with a few looks that I think will work……

I like the contrast this would give in the room. It is a dark teal which pulls from the blue/green family. 

It is appealing to me because it does not match anything in particular in the room. 

This helps make the room look less contrived. With the glass doors and shelves I can put baskets to hold items for my guest. The baskets will also add  texture to the room.

Next I looked at a navy and white option……


I would have to buy a piece with plans on painting it like the above image. 

The only problem with this combination is the white on the dresser might be hard to match the beds paint color, which is actually a soft off white.

This is a top contender and would be easy to replicate!

I think all of the above will be easy to paint if I find a small dresser that will fit between the beds. 

The first option is actually at Target, but they are sold out online, and I have not checked my local store to see if it still available.

I am not worried since I can purchase this small dresser from Ikea and paint it to my liking…..


I did jump the gun a bit, and purchased something else in yellow as accents. As I said in my previous post, yellow is such a vibrant color it needs to be used sparingly in this room.…..

I found these darling book ends online at CB2.

I always check their website for fun, colorful elements when I am doing a room with color. 

I only ordered one because I have plans for the other side of the books. This will sit on top of the night stand. I just might paint the spines of some books as well. Love this fun, whimsical look.

Remember this room is being done mainly for my Grandchildren that are all becoming young adults, so it has to have some fun, and life to it.

Let me share one other piece I got to display on the wall……

California map

I want all of my guest to know that they are special to me, and having them in my home makes my home that much more special.

Since I do have out of state guest from time to time, I thought a map of California would be appreciated by them. This also continues the touch of whimsy I am going for in the room.

If any of you are interested in a print like this the seller offers many options of other states. HERE!

You will begin to notice that none of my yellows match perfectly.

I like the different shades of yellow in the room. Often times if we match things too perfectly the room begins to look contrived.

Decorating TIP!:
Making things a bit off helps prevent that SMATCHY (matchy-matchy) look.

I use the word SMATCHY because it SMACKS you right in the face that everything matches, toooooo perfectly. Not the look I am going for!


This will be an ongoing process so stay tuned for my next post on……



  1. Like it all so far....the various shades of yellow are just the right "pop".

  2. And all of us who have had the honor and privilege of staying At Perdue Inn know it is YOU that makes your home special too. I love the direction this is going and can't wait to see the end result. It's so Kathysue and a bit different for you to, which is what I love about it. xxoo

  3. Love how it's looking, Kathysue! And your little California touch is perfect! Hugs...Debbie

  4. i love the blue and white dresser...if there's just a little white like this dresser you should be OK with the whites being a tad would look very cute!


I would love to hear from you, Kathysue