Thursday, May 22, 2014

I Brought Back Some Inspiration From My Vacation


Do you find yourself all inspired, and motivated after you have been on vacation?

Of course that is after you have rested up from said vacation!!

We recently had the pleasure of spending 10 days in South Carolina.

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There was inspiration all around us. I thought I would share a few of the things that inspired me along the way.

Today I will be sharing one of the things that inspired me.

Charleston South Carolina is known for all their beautiful Historic homes so I felt like a dog in a forest to say the least.

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One of the elements that I was inspired by and want to add to my own home were the wonderful Gas light lanterns on the porches, or a lamp post leading up to a walkway.

I have no idea if we can put them on our homes in California or not. I have had these in the back of my mind for years, but truly never even thought my hubby would consider the idea.

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After taking a carriage drive, walks, and car rides up and down the streets of Charleston, it peeked his interest as well.

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He told me to see how much it would cost run them!

Say WHAT???!!

Until I do the sourcing and the investigating I will keep them on my, “DREAM LIST!”

I especially love the lanterns that stand above a fence, or the one’s that hang from the porch ceiling.

Not sure if I will ever have a gas lantern, but I sure as heck am going to check into getting one. I will let you know what I find out.

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Y’all come back now!
(I picked up a bit of a Southern accent while I was gone.)


  1. Those lanterns and the gates are among my favorites from our Charleston trip. I'd like to have a lantern on the front porch and back porch, at least similar to the gas lanterns in Charleston. I believe they make bulbs that give the same sort of light as the gas lanterns. Not exactly the same as having the actual gas lantern though.

  2. Don't "they" just surprise us sometimes?!?! :) Good luck with your search. franki

  3. yeah doug!

    trips will do just that. years ago i went to savannah with my husband and drooled over the oversized gas lamps, he agreed (WHAY!?!?). needless to say my bevolo gas lights were ordered and he installed them onto our 1856 house himself. (he is not a professional, just handy)
    go for it kathy sue, they are legal everywhere!! and very inexpensive to operate

  4. Ahhhh, the homes, lamp posts, and landscaping! What a visual treat. Can we talk about the sweet tea? Looks like a great trip.

  5. I remember returning from Charleston totally inspired by iron gates, it was after that that we had one made for the are right it is a wonderful place for new ideas and aren't the gardens beautiful.

  6. Oh that would be awesome! I love the different ways they use their lanterns. My mom has one by her driveway. It's been there since the 1960's. I see more "electric" lights than anything but there is nothing quite like the glow a gas lantern gives off.

  7. Great Post Kathysue, accent and all! I am a transplanted Northeaster Gal who sometimes feels like that dog!!!
    I also adore the lanterns and in our other home found a porch light that was that "style", not gas but it resembled it. Also, posts with lantern lights are available all run by good olde electricity !

  8. Kathysue I always notice doorways, windows and porches! The lanterns are so interesting as well!

    The Arts by Karena

  9. I adore the lanterns...they are so charming...I want to make that trip so bad...just told my hubby that I want to visit Charleston...


I would love to hear from you, Kathysue