Monday, March 24, 2014

Kitchen Update

The last I reported on my kitchen we were in the middle of having to take out all the bottom cabinets and level them for the new marble slabs. 

You can read about it HERE if you need to catch up.

Kitchen reno 003 (800x600)

Because of that one delay we are a bit delayed with everything else, but at this point the marble counters are in and the tiles have been set.

Today the tile will be grouted.

Kitchen reno 015

We had two other set backs. My contractor checked the work that had been done, and found two 1/4 in mistakes he wants changed. ( I appreciate his attention to detail)

1. the window sill was off
2.the sink was set off

Needless to say he is not happy with his workers, but is fixing the problem.

The sad part is having to take out work that has already been done.

Kitchen reno 001 (600x800)

Speaking of work that has been done and is being taken out…..

keep calm
YES!! She did!

There was one detail that I let my husband, and the contractor talk me into, and I am not happy with it. Soooooo, Today that has to be changed out.

Hubby is not happy about that, and I would imagine the contractor will not be very happy either. But I know in my heart it is the right thing to do.

Kitchen reno 002 (800x600)

I am learning all over again that men and women speak two different languages when it comes to this kind of stuff.

For instance. I was standing in the middle of my kitchen discussing with my contractor and husband about the plumbing fixtures. 

I told them of my concern of having them in place while there still had to be work done on the window sill. They both reassured me that it would not be a problem. I still had my doubts.

Kitchen reno 015 (800x600)

At the end of the day after everyone left, I mentioned it again to my husband and he agreed so he cancelled the plumbers visit until tomorrow. 

When I mentioned we had a whole conversation about it with our contractor earlier in the day, he did not remember it at all.

Here is why: Men talking about plumbing fixtures means underneath the cabinet and sink. Women talking about plumbing fixtures means the pretty faucet on top. See what I mean?!!

Now I will clarify what page we are on! LOL

Kitchen reno 009 (800x600)

Fingers Crossed that moving forward all goes as planned!


  1. So glad you listened to your heart and spoke up. you wont regret it. I know its frustrating but will be so worth it in the end. looking good so far!

  2. So true about plumbing and men...good call. Stick to your guns! The marble is really gorgeous. Hope everything goes well from here on out! xo Nancy

  3. So true about plumbing and men...good call. Stick to your guns! The marble is really gorgeous. Hope everything goes well from here on out! xo Nancy

  4. It is all so beautiful Kathysue, I love the marble and that sink is fabulous. Hugs, Marty P.S. Be sure to link up to Inspire Me this afternoon.

  5. You have to give your contractor credit for bringing up the mistakes and making them right... When we were renovating the house last year, the dreaded words from the hubby were "might as well!" which meant the project got much bigger and more expensive. Can't wait to see the finished kitchen!
    C + C

  6. Oh, lovely! I'm enjoying the peeks of your gorgeous Carrara counter tops, Kathysue!!! Good luck and look forward to seeing more progress. xo

  7. MC is exactly the same!!! I can sympathize with you......glad you fixed it!

  8. I'm glad you're going to get what you want! Your kitchen will be beautiful.
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  9. Kathysue,
    I am so glad you have a diligent contractor. Floors are notoriously not level- I've run into this so many times. Your little pink sign to the hubs made me laugh!!! Can't wait to see them installed.

  10. Looking great so far! Love your story of men vs. women so true!! good luck!

  11. Venus vs Mars. Some day in alignment. franki

  12. The marble looks gorgeous! Can't wait to see the finished kitchen!

  13. Oh I can so relate when we were building our house...we do speak different languages...I very often let the builder and my hubby talk me into something I did not like...the result...had to change the configuration of the foundation..major!..On my next building venture (the smaller house) I am going to be more assertive...After my 5,237th change, I knew the builder would have a cow, so I did this: I got masking tape and taped out an outline of my body on the dining room some crime scene tape fro an undisclosed source and left a note.."Here lies Shirley after her 5,237th change!...They need to listen to us as we are always right!!!

  14. better to get it right now! i have some regrets about giving the go ahead on a couple things i should have stuck to my guns about--you go!


  15. I concur. Men and women do speak different languages. So far everything looks great. Love your sink and the marble is beautiful!

  16. Can't wait to see the finished kitchen, Kathysue! I LOVE your marble and what you have done.


I would love to hear from you, Kathysue