Friday, February 7, 2014

What I Have Noticed Lately


black and white room

Two design trends I see more and more of are all black and white rooms, and rooms with more color. 

Polar opposites, but both making wonderful statements in the design world.

Colorful room

We have seen the all neutral room evolve over the last 10 years…….


all white room
Very pretty, very calming.

all white room 2
Understated Elegance, my favorite look.

All whites moved over so we could move onto….

 Grays  and Greige

gray or greige room

The design  world moves along much more quickly than the general public.

The introduction of a new color, or trend can be introduced to the public, and at first it will not be well received, it takes us some time. 

After seeing it online, or design magazines it becomes more palatable after 2-3 years.

At this point the general public is ready to jump in feet first, but the design world has already moved on so the general public is 3-5 years behind.

adding color to a room
If you love the newest trend, or if you had this look before it became the new IT look you will remain true to that look while others will move on.

All new trends really are not new, they are just old trends revisiting. 

Very rarely do we see something totally NEW in the design world, and when we do, THAT designer is our new Design Diva!!!

Summer pillows 004 a(1024x768)

Personally I am loving both the black and white revival and the use of color! I have both looks in my home, and I will still have them when the design world moves onto something else.

I never jumped in on the all neutral room that has been so popular for the last 5-10 years, it is just not me. I have to have Happy colors surrounding me.

Neutral rooms are soothing, and relaxing to most people, BUT they can be a pitfall for some. I kid you not, they really can!!

My next post is going to be…..




  1. Using all white would certainly simplify decorating and it is very soothing. I am trying to use more neutrals and finally have all of the rooms of my house painted in various tones of cream to at least provide some continuity.

  2. I always say stay true to your style! You do and it shows....not trendy but classic:)

  3. I agree with Sherry, you need to love where you live. I am never happy when I followed a trend and not my heart.

  4. I have notice abstract art paired with traditional furnishing. Is that new of jus me.

  5. I have a black and white home! From the outside in through the interior! Pops of other colors sometimes appear, but basically it's black, white, gold and gray tones. I've had to add pops of reds to "Stage" our home to sell. The average buyer today, in this section of our Country, wants the primary colors. They prefer , reds, blues, greens and yellows all in the same room in flowery prints.

  6. I agree with following your heart, and also classic style never goes out of fashion!

    The Glam Pad

  7. Great post!I felt like your wrote it for me! I am totally confused as to what color to do my master bedroom in...I am ALL about color...bright color and floral chintz, etc. but I am gravitating towards a more neutral room because I want my bedroom to feel serene, like I am in a sanctuary. I can't figure out how to get that feeling using the bold colors that I love, but I am afraid I will regret it if I jump on the "neutral" bandwagon! I'm anxious to read your post about the pitfalls of a neutral room!

  8. Love this post and your commentary...all so true! As designers we try to stay ahead of the trends, when our clients are really so behind, just to bring them up
    to trend is what they want. They are not confident in the unknown... Have a great week! xo Nancy

  9. You are right about the design world being ahead you the public...great post!


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