Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Using Gift Wrap & Ribbons As A Christmas Decoration


When it comes to ribbons, and gift wrap I am like a kid in a candy store. 

Each year I add to my black and white  awning striped signature gift wrap.

I use this as a base and also throughout the entire year for all my gift wrapping.

I like to coordinate my wrappings just like I would for fabric in a room.

If you have to constantly take out your gift wrap to use it, why not use it as part of your Christmas décor?

Let me show you what I mean…….

Ribbet collage Christmas Wrappings 2013
I put all of mine together in a French market basket and keep it on display. 

It is always at my finger tips, but looks decorative until I need it again.

gifts wrapped 001 (542x800)
A few gifts wrapped and waiting for their ribbons and bows!

Guess what I do with all of my ribbons?

Ribbet collage Christmas Ribbons 2013
By placing them in a basket I have everything ready to go.

I have another small basket that I keep the scissors, tape and wire. I use it as my little tool basket.

Everything remains neat and tidy as well as decorative.

Last years paper had lots of red since I did a red and white Christmas color scheme.

Let me show you how I coordinated the papers and ribbons for 2012……

Christmas wrap1
Notice the same black and white striped paper is being used!

Wrapping paper 008 (574x800)
Sitting in the same French Market basket next to the tree.

Christmas wrap2

Do you coordinate your wrapping papers and ribbons for the Holidays?