Sunday, April 28, 2013

I Have The, "BLUES!"


Can someone ever have enough blue? I am not sure they can, but it might be possible.

I added a bit of blue to my home this weekend. One comes in the form of a piece of furniture, and the other is in the form of a plant!

pod pillows 004 (800x745)
(The Before)
Do you see the little brown stained side table? Well it has a whole new look!

Blue end table 014 (800x600)
A nice coat of blue paint made all the difference in the world.

Blue end table 017 (800x600)
We used a satin finish. The top looks so glossy because I have a clear glass round on top for protection.

Blue end table 016 (800x600)
We used Krylon’s spray paint in Blue Oxford. It seemed to be the perfect blue for the room.  

It did not match the pillow, the buffalo check, or the ticking stripe on the sofa, it is somewhere in between all of those colors.

A color that has all the qualities of the other colors in the room  that are in a similar  hue can become almost neutralized, and it just works.

I call those colors, “In-Between Colors.” A very technical term. Okay, it is not really technical just another little phrase I like to use.

The next blue that was added to my home is in my yard….

Blue hydrangeas 003 (800x600)
The back of my home is painted a very soft sage green with shutters and a window box in cobalt blue.

Blue hydrangeas 007 (800x696)
I use accents of black. I have two lanterns hung on each shutter an an old iron gate beneath the window box.

There you have it! A little more blue added to Kathysue’s home.

If you are a lover of Blue and white together be sure and go to my friend Jennifer’s blog, “The Pink Pagoda.” Every Monday she does a Blue and White post. I try to never miss her post!

If you are still craving a little more blue you can go and visit my pinboards.....
My Pinterest Boards:
Blue in Rooms

Blue in the Garden
(just click on the word BLUE and it will take you right to my boards!)

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