Sunday, April 28, 2013

I Have The, "BLUES!"


Can someone ever have enough blue? I am not sure they can, but it might be possible.

I added a bit of blue to my home this weekend. One comes in the form of a piece of furniture, and the other is in the form of a plant!

pod pillows 004 (800x745)
(The Before)
Do you see the little brown stained side table? Well it has a whole new look!

Blue end table 014 (800x600)
A nice coat of blue paint made all the difference in the world.

Blue end table 017 (800x600)
We used a satin finish. The top looks so glossy because I have a clear glass round on top for protection.

Blue end table 016 (800x600)
We used Krylon’s spray paint in Blue Oxford. It seemed to be the perfect blue for the room.  

It did not match the pillow, the buffalo check, or the ticking stripe on the sofa, it is somewhere in between all of those colors.

A color that has all the qualities of the other colors in the room  that are in a similar  hue can become almost neutralized, and it just works.

I call those colors, “In-Between Colors.” A very technical term. Okay, it is not really technical just another little phrase I like to use.

The next blue that was added to my home is in my yard….

Blue hydrangeas 003 (800x600)
The back of my home is painted a very soft sage green with shutters and a window box in cobalt blue.

Blue hydrangeas 007 (800x696)
I use accents of black. I have two lanterns hung on each shutter an an old iron gate beneath the window box.

There you have it! A little more blue added to Kathysue’s home.

If you are a lover of Blue and white together be sure and go to my friend Jennifer’s blog, “The Pink Pagoda.” Every Monday she does a Blue and White post. I try to never miss her post!

If you are still craving a little more blue you can go and visit my pinboards.....
My Pinterest Boards:
Blue in Rooms

Blue in the Garden
(just click on the word BLUE and it will take you right to my boards!)

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  1. No, I do not think you can ever have enough blue. I simply love that table. I kept scrolling down and back up looking at the before and after, and it is amazing what a simple can of paint can do. LOVE! I have never seen a hydrangea I don't love, but blue is by far my fave. And to think I will be seeing it in person in just a few days!!!!!! eeeeek! xxoo

  2. Your little blue table is perfect! It adds so much to the room. And, the hydrangeas are wonderful.

  3. There's never enough blue and your little table is great! It makes a great statement in your room. The blue hydrangeas are gorgeous too! Have a lovely week.

  4. Love the table, it looks wonderful in your familyroom. Hugs, Marty

  5. Kathysue the table is outstanding! Love, love it...and it is the perfect BLUE!
    Can't say enough about your window boxes and the lovely blues in your garden!!!
    You had a "Good" Blue Weekend!

  6. Kathysue-
    I LOVE your newly painted table! It looks fabulous. Isn't it amazing what a little paint can do?
    Happy Monday.

  7. I have the blues too! Loving all things blue lately. Your table looks great, especially next to your white chair.

  8. Paint is a beautiful thing:) I'm planning on a blue and white guest bedroom. I haven't even finished the room(s) I'm working on and I've already moved on to another room. Focus.

  9. Oh, Kathysue, thank you so much for the mention! I canot tell you how much I appreciate it! Your family room is LOVELY. And painting that table was a brilliant idea. It was the perfect thing to paint and made such a big difference. You are one talented lady!

  10. You are right! You can't overdo it when it comes to blues. Your side table is so pretty and I love the hydrangeas

  11. I have loved blue for as long as I can can be in-style or not, but I will always have it in my home....your home is looking really good...I love what you've done!

  12. What a transformation! That little blue table is the perfect touch. Great job. And love the new wall finish and the pillows. It has come together so nicely.

  13. I LOVE blue. It is my favorite color and I'm working on incorporating more of it into my home. You new blues look beautiful. Love the hydrangeas in the window box. My backyard garden is going to have lots of blues. Thank you for the inspiration!

  14. You know I am loving this that blue table..beautiful color! I agree you can never have too much and it looks as pretty inside as it does out, as you exemplified so well. Thanks for this fun post!

  15. Great look, Kathy. Big improvement on the fireplace and the little table. Spring is always a "painting" time as far as I'm concerned. I bet you're enjoying it.

  16. We definitely have the blues today as our gorgeous weekend weather turned to gray and drizzle... But the color blue can also pick us up and painting that little table was genius! A pretty complement to the rest of the room.
    C + C

  17. your room is such an inspiration kathysue, love, love!

    what a change with just the white panels and moulding and your darling table. kudos!
    a double kudos for being so innovative; lanterns on shutters is so charming

  18. the blues look extra fabulous on you.



  19. You can never have too much blue! I love the shade you painted your table and of course, blue hydrangeas are the best.

  20. I love love love your new blue table - it just makes that space!

  21. Hydrangea are my "go to" flower!! Your table is Perfect!! franki

  22. I love that table painted blue. The pillow on the chair next to it is really lovely. Hydrangeas in your window box are fun.

  23. The blue table completely changes the feel of that corner! Love how a little color can do that. I love blue in home design. It can be calm, relaxing, energetic, invigorating and so much more. Hydrangeas are my favorite garden flowers pretty!


I would love to hear from you, Kathysue