Thursday, December 19, 2013



It’s almost here and it is time to do the last minute details. 

I don’t know about you, but this is the time in the season I have Christmas piles……..

To Do List Pile

Christmas Piles 008 (800x600)

Christmas minute to win-it pile

Christmas Piles 001 (600x800)

Christmas Baking Pile

Christmas Piles 002 (800x600)

Christmas Candy Pile

Christmas Piles 003 (800x600)

Christmas Cooking Pile

Christmas Piles 007 (600x800)
Apron, chicken stock, wait a minute, what are the pencils doing in this pile?

Christmas Piles 004 (800x600)

Christmas Helper:
I try to keep my piles neat and organized by placing them on the dining room chairs or behind the dining table. They are out of the way and don’t look quite as messy that way.

I might have piles but by golly they are neat piles, LOL!!

Are you enjoying this part of the Christmas season?

I always feel like this is the best time. All the special last minute touches, trying to make it special for the people I love!

Now go Falalalaing, and enjoy every single minute!!

Remember we are such a blessed people to be able to celebrate the birth of Christ and to be able to buy gifts, bake cookies, decorate. Not everyone has this privilege!!


  1. I am a big list maker and pile girl. My piles are pretty messy and it's this time of the year that I gripe about my lack of basement. Loved that space for bags {piles in bags} and misc to do piles. Oh well, our bedroom and closet have to take up the slack.
    Wishing you and your family a very Merry Christmas Kathysue.
    {are you going to share your minute to win it games? Looks like fun!}

  2. bravo to you and your mad organizing skillz, K. i'm enjoying the week as well and savoring the season.



  3. Tomorrow morning, I'll have an hour or two to do my last minute list making. Then, I'll know what I still have to do. I'm looking forward to getting it done.
    I enjoy this time, too.
    Blessings from Harvest Lane Cottage


  4. It's when I forget where "that" pile is!! Argh!! Card pile is now finished..whew! franki

  5. Well, I don't have piles...but I do have a to do list! This is a fun time of year...and I do enjoy it all! Merry Christmas to you and your family! Are you going to explain the minute-to-win-it games to us...yes, please! ;)

  6. I do have piles Kathysue and it drives me crazy…..Just one day maybe no pile in my house would be nice. Just one…….


I would love to hear from you, Kathysue