Monday, September 16, 2013

"OUT" With Summer "IN" With Fall


Yesterday I saw my first falling leaves from the sycamore tree behind my backyard fence.

Once I see leaves falling I know Fall is officially on its way.

What does any design enthusiast do when the seasons start to change?

Does the phrase, “Out With The Old In With The New?” ring a bell?

So OUT went my Summer pillows…..

Summer pillows 001a (768x1024)
I will miss your crisp, cool feel that you added to my family room, dear sweet summer pillows.

 IN came my Fall/Winter pillows……

Fall mantel 004 (600x800)ribbit

To bring in more warmth in the room for up-coming cooler months I add a touch more black, and texture to my room.

The fabric  is a heavy linen/cotton combination with varying blues, and just a touch of black in the stripe.

I always bring in the new pillows first, when making changes,because they will set the tone for the other changes I make in the room.

 OUT goes the Summer sofa pillow…….

Summer pillows 006 b(1024x768)
I will miss your simplicity dear Summer pillow, see you next year!

I need more texture and warmth for the up-coming cooler months, so IN comes my Fall/Winter pillows……..

Fall mantel 009 (800x600)ribbit
The two side pillows are a lovely embroidered linen from Schumacher called Nurata Embroidery in the color Lapis. You can find it HERE!

These two pillows are welted and backed in the same heavy linen as the center pillow. I added a heavier than normal linen for a warm textural feel in my room.

Fall mantel 007 (800x600) ribbit
I am such a fan of the Greek Key pattern, as you can tell from my blog header. I am so pleased to be able to use it in my family room.

Here is a collage of all the main patterns in the room. I did this collage before I ever purchased any of the fabrics. You can see the touch of black in the striped pillows that I used in my white chairs.

winter look_thumb[5]ribbit
Next on the agenda will be my mantel!
To be continued………

I am linking up with Jennifers Blue and White Bash at The Pink Pagoda!



  1. Beautiful pillows! I am actually working on changing and buying pillows as we speak!

  2. Love those subtle touches of change for fall They are beautiful, Kathysue, and bring just the right cozy texture to your furniture! So fun!

  3. Beautiful pillows! I love blue and white.

  4. Starting to make a few seasonal changes here too. Enjoy!

  5. Love the Fall pillows! You do have fun with the Seasons!

  6. i have 6 more days left of summer! i have to be dragged into autumn, my friend!



  7. These look great. I've been seeing your fall color boards on Facebook with the color schemes based on colors other than orange, and they are amazing. My favorite ones I've seen!

  8. What beautiful pillows... summer and winter! I love love love this room!!!

  9. Love how pillows can change things so easily...its fun to change things up for the season, looking good!

  10. You have been planning your winter pillows and now the time has come! How exciting! They look great girl:)

  11. Summer...I hardly knew thee...franki

  12. I love how your pillows convey the idea of fall without ajy "cliché".

  13. Summer, winter, fall - your house always looks beautiful. I love both your sets of cushions, such a lovely selection.

  14. love the change from summer to winter and I like that you added deeper blues and that greek key trim looks so great on the pillow!

  15. Gorgeous pillows! I love that you have two totally different looks with just changing up the pillows! I especially love the winter pillows on your sofa and the summer pillow on your chair!

  16. The perfect room. Those pillows are my favorite pattern. I bet you still love this room.

  17. I love all of your seasonal changes... Such incredible blue and white goodness!!

    The Glam Pad

  18. SO classic, very well done!!!


I would love to hear from you, Kathysue