Thursday, May 16, 2013

The Family Room Reveal and A Story


Where do I begin? I guess at the beginning……..

There was once a family room, a very nice family room. “ It is just not ME!” said the magical girl that saw pictures of rooms in her head……

Family room summer look May 2011 026 (800x600)_thumb[6]

You see this girl had a plan, an ongoing plan for many years. She was just waiting for the right time to start the ball rolling.

She only had a few obstacles, time, money, and an unwilling in-house handyman to make her vision come to fruition.

She would drop hints of her desired plan along the way for several years, until one day the in-house handyman was willing to go forward with her plan.

First this sofa had to be changed out from this……..

mantel for Linda 003 (800x600)

To This………
new sofa in room 008 (800x600)
She had waited a verrrry long time to get her blue and white ticking sofa. She had her ottoman rebuilt to her design specifications, and recovered to use as an ottoman, or a coffee table.

Of course a new rug had to be chosen, and this girl just knew a black and white striped rug would be perfect for her. 

Many did not agree in the house, but she realized they did not understand her vision.

You see this girl has magical powers, she has visions, visions of entire rooms beautifully decorated.

Next there just had to be changes made to the mantel………

mantel for Linda 002
The antique Victorian over-mantel was no longer going to work with the new clean lines, and fresh look of the future family room so……..

The Dismantling of the Mantel began……….

mantel collage
Up the ladder her in-house handyman went ,and then the mantels fancy top came down.

After a lot of planning, and stacking of moldings the girl and the handyman agreed, this was a cleaner, fresher look for the new family room…

Mantel dismantel 004 (800x490)
Now the Victorian lighting is all wrong so we have to come up with a solution. Since the girl has a vision she  knows the look she wants, but has to do a trial, and error on three lights…..

three choices
There was a clear winner in her mind, and yet she still had some in the house that did not agree.

She stuck to her vision and the lights went up………

black sconces 001 (784x800)
By now the new white chairs had been added along with a re-do of an existing small arm chair in a darling buffalo check…..
new sofa in room 012 (600x800)
The girl’s smile was getting bigger and bigger with each new piece.

Next there had to be some changes made to the brick on the fireplace wall.

Now this is where we had a bit of a pause in the story. 

You see the live-in handyman had a deep spiritual tie to the brick. The girl found out it was against his religion in the handyman world to paint brick!

Oh dear this is a big problem for the girl so she comes up with an alternative plan.

He is willing to move forward with this plan. The side panels of brick will be covered with a wainscoting treatment……

wainscoting and mirror 007 (800x600)wainscoting and mirror 008 (800x600)

There were new accessories arriving……


new mirrors 004 (800x600)
Uh-Oh! Too much going on with the existing floor lamps. Something has to change.

Meanwhile the live-in handyman is busy working on making the mantel look just like the girl wants, except for one detail…

The brick around the fireplace opening….

 He decides to sit a spell and ponder what to do next?

Pillows are arriving, a new lamp to go in front of the new bright white mirrors arrives, and it is perfect in the girls eyes…..

family room, blue jay and flowers 007

apothecary lamp 002 (600x800)
The live-in handyman even painted an existing side table navy blue for the girl, trying to make her happy…...

Blue end table 001

Blue end table 017 (800x600)

Everything is looking just like the picture the girl had in her head except the last bit of brick!!

A design miracle occurs!!

The ever so handy live-in handyman finally sees the girls vision…..


apothecary lamp 004

So my dear friends we have gone from this.…
Family room summer look May 2011 026 (800x600)_thumb[6]pod pillows 005 (800x594)

And from this to this……..
mantel for Linda 002 (600x800)_thumb[9]
pod pillows 003 (800x600)_thumb[2]

To finally arrive to a much awaited destination to the picture of the room in the girls magical head……


Now to most this story would be over, but there is still more to come.

For some reason the magical girl that sees pictures in her head has a few more ideas to be added!!
As always …………..

A special thank you to all of you who have followed along with this long journey. I so appreciate your reading, your in-put and your compliments. You all made this journey a lot more fun for this magical girl who sees pictures in her head, and for her live-in handyman.



  1. Oh Kathysue, It look amazing. you really do have a vision and it is stunning. Hugs, Marty

  2. Looking really good Kathy Sue! It's so light, airy, and happy feeling. The fireplace looks really good, and I so want to steal your sofa! :)

  3. Lovey transformation yo hour room, love the fireplace now. Is your chair and sofa from PB?

  4. This was Great to Read!
    I have followed along the way!
    The entire room is amazing!
    What did I read? Another "Epiphany" in the works?

  5. Dear Kathysue

    How I have enjoyed your story. I have watched through the whole process and wished my DH was a
    'handyman'. Alas! he is not, so any
    improvements I may suggest has to be done by myself or not at all.
    They tell me 'patience is a virtue'and I can see you halo shining from here in New Zealand.
    Robyn K

  6. Gorgeous before and looks so pretty, and fresh and current. You did a fabulous job and that hard work and determination all paid off in spades, enjoy it!

  7. Kathysue ~ what an absolutely gorgeous room you created! So happy your handyman saw the light and went along with your vision for the brick! :) Your lighting choices look amazing, as does the rug! Enjoy!!

  8. MAJOR difference. Love the fireplace and wood work. I happen to love painted brick. Great job, nice change, fun Christmas decor to look forward to in your new room.

  9. Your room is beautiful --Love the wall color, the WHITE fireplace:-), your wall lamps and the molding over the fireplace what an updated look -you really rocked this room -

  10. Gorgeous! I love the way you redid the fireplace wall.

  11. It looks so good! I love that you were able to paint the brick. Yay!

  12. Magical story and a magical transformation! I loved seeing how it came together! To be honest, I wasn't sure about the black and white rug, but once the fireplace brick was painted, the screen stood out and it all tied in perfectly! Just lovely!!


  13. So cute how you discribed your journey into this wonderful redecorating adventure. It looks super! All of the changes are so right...a very lovely room. Perfect.

  14. Wow, Kathysue the fireplace going to white made a huge difference.

  15. GULP!
    Now that's a vision!!!
    Bravo, it is gorgeous. Even my hubby came in and looked over my shoulder and exclaimed... WOW that looks amazing!!
    So happy for you Kathysue, it looks incredible!!!!
    Can't wait to see it in person :)
    Congrats to you and your handsome handyman.

  16. Well at least this story has a happy ending! Looks fabulous Kathysue! As I said before, Doug is my hero! The white brick is fabulous. Now everything in the room can be appreciated even better!

  17. Kathysue! That is absolutely gorgeous! Every part and piece!!

  18. I congratulate you on your wonderful transformation. ... You should be very proud! Thank you so, so much for sharing this with all of us.
    xx Vicky

  19. A dream come true! Love that your hubby saw the wisdom of your ways! The room and especially the fireplace wall look amazing, happy and fun. I also think given the direction you have gone that this space has staying power, you go girl!

  20. Don't you feel like you have a whole new house? The room looks fabulous and your patience was rewarded. I can't wait to see what else you are doing.

  21. Your vision was great, your handyman very talented and your story, terribly cute! And all this results in one very very pretty family room! Enjoy. :)

  22. All your hard work paid off. It looks stunning. My favorite things are your pillows. So pretty!

  23. "Against his religion to paint brick"...too funny! I love the change in the fireplace and your pillows!

  24. Beautiful job and I can tell you are totally thrilled and will feel joy for years to come .. sitting in such a lovely room. Thanks for showing the before and after.. wow! I can appreciate all this work.. not easy!

    Have a wonderful weekend! xxleslie

  25. Yes yes yes! The painted brick makes ALL the please tell the resident handyman how absolutely wonderful he is!!!

  26. Well.....we really should be thanking Mr.Handyman....for indulging your creativity and being flexible...I know how these men can I know you also worked your magic on him:)
    I your room now! It is perfect and I can't imagine what else you are planning...waiting patiently!

  27. And the big reveal: yay!!! Congratulations, Kathysue. It's fabulous to see it all come together. The wood paneling around the fireplace and white painted bricks are two of my favorite changes :) Thank you for sharing it all.

  28. looks so good...A wonderful transformation...I have one of those live-in handy men takes him awhile to catch on!

  29. Kathysue, What a wonderful transformation...I know that you are enjoying the fruits of your labor so much...fresh and ready for Summer.XO Mona

  30. Wow, what a difference painting that fireplace looks fantastic! And the rest of the room is great too! Love the fireplace wall! ;)

  31. Kathysue... It looks stunning. What a great eye you have!

  32. What a lovely transformation! I love the blue you've injected and the rug is a perfect graphic touch. Your style will last for years to come!

  33. FANTASTIC Kathy Sue! So happy to see your reveal and that white wall and white brick is phenomenal. Love all your touches, and I know it feels crisp and up to date.
    Way to go.
    xo Nancy

  34. Congrats Kathysue, you have transformed your room into something so lovely, welcoming and tasteful. It's a beautiful space. I hope your hubby thinks it was worth the effort.

  35. Yeah Kathysue!!! 5 stars! A fresh, current, inviting and beautiful room! And yes to a little bit of black! (: A perfect balance!

    Good to hear from you again. Happy to hear that you are so busy w. fun stuff!

    Hugs from Seattle.


  36. Yeah Kathysue!!! 5 stars! A fresh, current, inviting and beautiful room! And yes to a little bit of black! (: A perfect balance!

    Good to hear from you again. Happy to hear that you are so busy w. fun stuff!

    Hugs from Seattle.


  37. brilliant!!!

    your vision became your reality, don has a bit of magic within him too! love the transformation, so fresh and inviting.

    can't wait for the full story to reveal itself
    happy day

  38. It looks fabulous, Kathysue. I love all of it, but I am surprised you did not know that it is against the religion of every live-in handyman to paint brick. It's a boy thing. But he finally remembered the old adage of "happy wife, happy life" and we all know how much he loves you.
    XO, Victoria

  39. Oh, well done. I totally agree that painting the fireplace white was the way to go. I love all the different shades of blue and the different patterns. I can't wait to see what else you have planned.

  40. Everything looks beautiful, Kathysue! The painted brick made the hugest difference! You have a family room worthy of a magazine!!

  41. What a transformation! Thank goodness LIHM saw the light and agreed to cover and paint that brick. It makes such a huge difference. Love it!

  42. FAB-YOU-LOUS. Great vision. Great handy man.

  43. loving the transformation and how youthful the room now feels. i happen to LOVE painted brick. no matter what the original color of the brick, i just love the clean look of it painted. what a man! he did such a fabulous job.

    congrats on this beautiful room!


  44. What an incredible before and after!! Outstanding job!

    The Glam Pad

  45. Kathysue, I love the transformation and especially the fireplace. Everything is beautiful!

  46. I have so loved being a part of this journey and seeing all of the small changes which equalled one large change and one oh-so-beautiful room which I have had the pleasure of seeing in person. I can't wait for the kitchen reveal and know it will be equally as beautiful. xxoo


I would love to hear from you, Kathysue