Monday, March 18, 2013

My New Family Room Sofa Reveal

I thought I should show you my sofa before its makeover before you see it's new look!!

Family room summer look May 2011 026 (800x600)_thumb[6]

mantel for Linda 003 (800x600)

This picture was taken right before the upholsterer came to pick her up.

Background story:

This sofa was purchased about 7 years ago. I thought I needed something really different from my old sofa which we had for 10 years, it was uphostered in a blue ticking stripe with a contrast yellow cord welting. 

I truly loved that sofa, but you know when you have the chance to get something new, you want something totally different.

I chose a floral! Big mistake for my personal design aesthetics. Beautiful fabric, pretty colors that worked well in my home, but I am not a floral girl when it comes to large pieces. I can do a floral pillow, but not big pieces.

Lesson learned:
Stay true to who you are, when in doubt go and look in your closet, Kathysue, all your clothes are solids, checks or stripes. Patterns are in scarves only.

Now for the good part:

I researched and found the fabric my old sofa was upholstered in……

essex sky blue

The family room has a new rug, and a new looking sofa. I still have a lot to do to pull it all together, but we are getting there.

So here she is in all her blue striped glory………

new sofa in room 001 (800x576)

I am beyond thrilled. My upholsterer did an amazing job and I couldn’t be any happier. I just noticed the arm covers are on, oops!! 

The cord welting is on the diagonal and I debated on doing a contrast in white. I am so glad I kept it simple.

It is so fresh, crisp, and clean looking in person…….

new sofa in room 004 (800x600)
Here is a close-up of the cushion so you can see the welting.

What’s next?……

  1. Stage the new look of the mantel (Yes we gave the mirror a new look! reveal coming soon)
  2. Pillows are being ordered.
  3. Two different light sconce choices are on their way, to see which one will work in the room.
  4. Two matching mirrors are on their way.
  5. Lamp shades on floor lamps must be replaced from linen to white drum shades.
  6. Continue looking for artwork
I am pleased as punch (however pleased that might be) with the new/old look.

It was so exciting when it got here on Friday. It was new looking, but at the same time it was like a really good old friend coming for a visit, but guess what?

 This old friend gets to stay here!!!


  1. LOVE IT! Hard to believe its the same sofa...absolutely perfect choice of fabric! Look forward to seeing the entire room...

  2. Hola Kathysue
    First, why are you blogging at 3:00 a.m.? J/K! ;-) But I digress. KUDOS on the upholstery! I couldn't love it more! We are of like minds re: pattern, our wardrobes, etc.

  3. It's so you!! I love how versatile it is. You can change out pillows and colors so easily, and I know you love to do that! Great choice!

  4. Your 'new' sofa is stylish and classic, and feels much more like Kathysue! I'm looking forward to seeing the finished room with all of your changes!
    ~ Wendi




    Now I'm looking forward to all the goodies!

  6. Your sofa looks great! My first sofa I bought when I moved out was a blue ticking stripe sofa. Unfortunately our cats loved it a little too much as well. I sure miss it. Looking forward to seeing the room when you're done.

  7. That's nice. Can't go wrong with ticking. Looking forward to more.

  8. It looks great! I love the cording on the diagonal, it really adds alot of interest without being too much. Can't wait to see the whole room!!

  9. It looks fabulous! I'm having such a difficult time finding a good upholsterer - that I can afford! Is it too rude to ask approximately how much the labor cost? More or less? Ballpark figure?........... Thanks!

  10. I most definitely agree about prints! I tried a loveseat, many years ago, in a beautiful print. As soon as it arrived I knew I had made a mistake. So five years later I bought a longer sofa with neutral duck (washable) slip covers. And that is what we still have. yes, it does need some work! but I like the neutral look. Also, it allows for SO many pillow variations!

  11. Just in time for Easter! What a difference a little blue ticking makes... Can't wait to see what else you do in the room!
    C + C

  12. Love your new sofa. Bet you are a proud of it as you should be!

  13. brilliant!!!
    yes, crisp, fresh, and oh so today :-)
    looks wonderful with your new rug kathysue!

  14. What a transformation, KathySue. I love the freshness of the blue ticking and so you. I'm with you, not one single floral in my house except a couple scarves that I can't get rid of soon enough. Can hardly wait to see all the additional items and the finished product.

  15. looks awesome! nothin like a spankin new sofa to uplift the spirits.

    smiles to you.


  16. Love the new look, very crisp and clean. Check out Etsy for fun pillows
    and great art work. The Pink Pagoda
    on Esty has great blue and white art.

  17. Kathysue, it is PERFECT!! It's so crisp and gorgeous I can barely stand it. I'm wanting one, too, now! I can't wait to see the room as it comes along!

  18. We love it!!! It's so funny I was just thinking of doing a ticking/stripe in my living room. Totally gorgeous.

  19. We love it! It's so perfect in your home, and fits your personality so well. We've been talking about doing ticking/stripe in my living room in San Francisco for months. Going to use your new sofa as inspiration!

    Chic Coles

  20. We love it! It is perfect and fits so well with your personality. We've been talking about doing a ticking/stripe in my living room in San Francisco. Going to use your new sofa as inspiration.

    Chic Coles

  21. I understand how you feel, I’m the same way. No wall paper here although I love it. I also tire of it so now I do patterns in my pillows and curtains. Thats an easy change. I love the new strip for the sofa, it almost looks like a solid. Nothing wrong with the last fabric, very pretty. I see you are checking away on your to do list, this turned our beautifully.

    The French Hutch

  22. Kathysue, this is beautiful. It changes the feel of the entire room. i really like the large scale striped rug with it. That is such good advice, stay true to who you are.

  23. I love your new sofa! Love the cording on the diagonal.
    Can't wait to see the room with the new lamp shades, pillows and sconces in place. It's so Kathysue.
    Love it, love the ticking!

  24. Kathysue - That's the same sofa? :) Looks really fresh. Ticking and stripes are really popular in Sweden. Even in the 18th century during the Gustavian period. They loved blue and white. Still do. So do I :)
    Look forward to seeing more!

  25. Wow! What a difference! Looks so much more like your style! I'm anxious to see the rest of the room! ;)

  26. It's hard to picture that it is the same sofa! So classic and crisp and and new! You can't go wrong with blue and white in a nice pillow ticking! Looking forward to what's next!

  27. It looks so fresh and crisp Kathysue. It is a wonderful transformation, and it seems to be much more "you" from what I can gather on your blog:-)
    I am in the middle of a family room redo too, trying to return to what I love too.
    Can't wait to see the rest of the transformation.

  28. I love your new sofa! I can't wait to see the whole room! Knowing you, it will be a masterpiece. I so admire your patience to get exactly what you want!

  29. It looks smashing!!!!
    So happy for you.
    So excited to see the room reveal!!

  30. It's beautiful Kathysue! You must be so excited. The fabric is gorgeous and I like your rug. I'm looking forward to seeing the other items that are coming!


  31. Kathysue....your sofa looks so know and white is my favorite! Cant wait to see the pillows and everything pulled together.

  32. WOW...Kathy Sue, that is an amazing transformation...adore the fabric and can hardly wait to see the whole room!!

  33. I love it!!! And I firmly believe that the black and white rug will be a winner in everyones eyes when they see the room accessorized. I agree with you that it is a great addition with what you will be adding. Am I on an island alone?

  34. What a pretty fresh change, and I love the modern pop of the rug ~ I can imagine how much fun you're having pulling this new look together! :)


I would love to hear from you, Kathysue