Friday, March 29, 2013



This time of year we all blog about ideas on how to decorate our Easter tables. I always enjoy post about this subject. I thought I would take it a step further………

……..Since this is a design blog I thought it would be fun to show you rooms that I like to call, “Easter Rooms!”

Years ago a friend was visiting my home and she had her little daughter with her. 

Upon leaving the little girl asked her Mom if they could go home and dye Easter eggs.

It was in the Fall so her Mommy told her it was not that time of year, and asked why she thought about dying Easter eggs.

The sweet little girl said because my house looked like an Easter house to her and it made her want to dye eggs.

Of course I took that as a compliment. Out of the mouths of babes, as the saying goes. 

What make a house or a room look like an Easter Room?

What are the requirements of an Easter Room? For me, they must make me smile, and have colors that are reminders of SPRING and Easter!!! 

I know this will vary among people we all have our memories of what Easter looks like to us.

Let me show you some rooms that have that Eastery Look (I know this is not a real word, but I will be using it throughout this post and I like it as a word, it should be used more often!) 


Pink and yellow!! You can’t get more Eastery than this!

All of the above images make me smile!! How about YOU, did they make you think of Easter? Do you have any rooms in your home that are Eastery Rooms?

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  1. These sure are Eastery rooms! LOVE the pink, orange and yellows!!!
    Happy and blessed Easter, Kathy Sue!

  2. That is too funny, but I was lying in bed this morning thinking I would do the same post. I love your collection of Eastery colours - definitely more my thing than traditional fall colours.

    Happy Easter to you and your family!

  3. I love pastels, and Easter colours always make me smile!
    Wishing you and your family a blessed and joyous Easter, Kathysue!
    ~ Wendi xo

  4. I want these rooms all year long. They actually make me think of sherbet!

  5. Fun, fun rooms,
    Give me Room #2!

    For a basic Black and White Gal this room speaks to me....Why?

  6. Nice post Sue! I'm definetly a pastels girl, proof is that 6th image (my living room). It's nice every time I find it somewhere. Have a nice Easter. Cheers from Ana

  7. What a darling compliment for that little girl! I love that first hits all the perfect notes.

    Wishing you a beautiful Easter weekend!
    xoxo Elizabeth

  8. So cheery. I love the wallpaper in the first picture. Also have pinned that porch in the past. I want to sit there all day and drink pink lemonade.

  9. Easter rooms.......what a fun idea for a post, Kathysue. Leave it to you to enchant with such a charming blog post. Thank you! Easter joy sent your way......Sarah

  10. Very pretty Easter rooms. Love the porch the best.

  11. Love, love the powder room...the wallpaper and color is devine.

  12. What yummy colors. Just like Easter eggs, peeps and spring flowers.

  13. Yes, they are Easter-y. When my daughter was a little girl her bedroom was decorated in great and white checked bedding with pale pink accents, very Easter-like. I think you would have especially loved that space since you are a fan of checked fabric.

  14. I'm one of those lazy readers that never leaves a comment but these pictures were so beautiful and fresh that I had to tell you Thank You! I love reading your blog every day!

  15. What a fun post! It is a ray of sunshine. It definitely brought a smile to my face. Now I want another room in our house for that pretty floral couch! It's so cheerful! Have a very Happy Easter Kathy Sue.

  16. No Easter rooms in my house- although come to think of it my daughter's could qualify! What a fun post, HAPPY EASTER!!!


I would love to hear from you, Kathysue