Sunday, March 24, 2013

5 Years Of My Easter Tables


I am like the rest of you in that I love to create. I like to try and create something different from what I have done in previous decor, or decorations for special holidays like Easter.

I thought I would review what I have done in the past five years in order to make sure I do something a wee bit different for this years Easter table.

One Easter I did an all white theme……………..

This was the centerpiece. Fresh spring green grass, real gerbera daisies and white roses. One more special little element that any good spring arrangement needs, sweet little porcelain birds.

The next year I chose to do a whimsical forest scene. I wanted the bunny to look like a huge chocolate bunny. I chose little chicks, mushrooms and clay pots full of chocolate eggs…………..

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Bright pink, bright yellow and white were my color scheme for this year.

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I chose to use things from my garden by using rocks, moss and real flowers from the garden.

untitled (640x480)

The next year's table started with an inspiration from Anthropologie…….

My Easter 2010 004 (800x600)
I started with this darling ceramic robin egg blue egg holder, which I can use in my refrigerator after Easter to hold my eggs.

I already had the striped quilt that I used as a table cloth and I had the bright yellow plates from the year before. So it was settled, bright yellow and blue it will be.

Next I needed to decide  what elements  would work with this color scheme. First came the obvious, eggs, some kind of yellow and white flowers, and for greenery some wheat grass.

 Yes, that will work just fine. Here is the table setting I did ..........

Easter table 2010 005 (800x600) 

Easter table 2010 006 (800x600)
Daffodils, Daisies and Moss!!

Easter table 2010 001 (800x600) 

Easter table 2010 003 (800x600)

I have used an all white, a bright yellow and bright pink color scheme. Then I used bright yellow and robin’s egg blue as my color scheme for Easter.
 This years table was very bright sunflower yellow and green. I chose to use galvanized metal containers to hold moss and little yellow button flowers and white daisies.

Last year I went for a much softer look. I chose an ice blue table cloth and all white tulips and dishes.


This years Easter table will be different from all of the above. I am going to use ice pink and white.

I love this time of year and I always get exctied when I start seeing the fresh Spring green grass and all of the pink and white blossoms on the trees.
Have fun finding your own inspiration for your Easter table.



  1. Your tables are gorgeous!! My favorite is the Garden themed table. I can't wait to see your pink and white table!! It's so nice to see several in one post so we can get ideas based on the supplies we have on hand, too. Thank you for sharing them with us!

  2. I love Easter too, Kathysue! Have certainly enjoyed this post. You just create some of the pretties tables.
    Have a wonderful weekend.

  3. You are so have created so many beautiful things. This year you will have your living room all done to...Easter is going to be beautiful at your house...

  4. Kathy Sue, what fun to look back and see how different each one of your Easter tables were set. Each one is gorgeous. I adore white tulips, so I think the last one is my favorite. White tulips, white roses, and white hydrangeas are what I have in our home for Easter. Thanks for reaching back into your files to share these images with us. Happy Spring! ~ Sarah

  5. Do you never stop thinking creatively? I just don't think its possible. How you keep coming up with such beautiful tablescapes year after year is beyond me. But I love the pictorial history and thanks so much for sharing. Can't wait to see this years.

  6. Hey there, Kathysue! Or should it be Martha? :) You certainly get the award for most creative and fabulous Easter centerpieces. I hope it's okay for me to pick a favorite. Gotta be the whimsical forest scene! Brilliant!! What a treat to be a guest at your Easter brunch / dinner :)

  7. Oh my goodness, Kathysue! I remember them all...fabulous! The most fascinating thing to me is seeing you go through the planning process! But...has it really been five years? Wow! Time flies when you are having fun with great friends! :-) Love ya...Debbie

  8. cannot wait to see the pink as i'm feelin the hue over here!



  9. -*** KS, each table is perfection in itself, and I can just picture you having such a F*A*B TIME creating each new, beauuutiful and unique table every year...

    Martha WHO?!?!?!?!

    Happy Easter hugs,


  10. Oh, I was hoping to see this year's table. Loved looking back though, they were all lovely, the forest scene is so creative.

  11. my my, what a vast sense of style you possess! each year is so different and wildly creative

    lucky lucky family

  12. Dear Kathysue, OFFICIALLY, AKA MARTHA!
    All are looking forward to this years!

  13. All of your tables are beautifully done and so creative! My favorite is the one with the white tulips. I can't wait to see what you do this year!

  14. You put us all to shame, Kathysue! These tablesettings are works of art and your family must love to come for lunch/dinner. Can't wait to see this year's theme!
    C + C

  15. Kathysue,
    I am so glad you stopped by my blog! Your tables are really gorgeous. I think my favorite though is the one with the white tulips. You have given me inspiration to get off my butt and get it together this Easter!
    Happy Spring!!

  16. Wow that's incredible. You go to so much trouble. We don't really make so much effort here in Oz like you do in the US, shame really because I'd love to make up an Easter lunch table as gorgeous as yours. I love the first one, with the grass and all the bunnies.

  17. Wow that's incredible. You go to so much trouble. We don't really make so much effort here in Oz like you do in the US, shame really because I'd love to make up an Easter lunch table as gorgeous as yours. I love the first one, with the grass and all the bunnies.

  18. All your tables are beautiful Kathysue, love them all. I fell in love with that same yellow chevron fabric and made a runner for my kitchen island [posting tomorrow] and a slipcover [posting Thursday] !! I bought it in green too and made pillows for the den. I love color, so I loved all the bright elements in your tables! Happy Easter!

  19. I love your tables capes- you do such a great job.
    Happy entertaining1
    xo Nancy

  20. They are all so beautiful and so unique. I absolutely adore that garden one. It is so creative and makes me feel like you created a mini garden down the middle of the table. I"m looking forward to seeing your new one.


I would love to hear from you, Kathysue