Monday, November 12, 2012

Don't Forget To Do THIS For Thanksgiving !


It Is That Time Of Year!
Time To Make A Check-list!

When I am planning a party, or a family get-together for the Holidays, as it gets closer to the event, I like to make a check list in order to help me keep on track.

Here is what I put on my list:

1.Pull together all the elements to be used to    decorate the table to make sure there is a nice flow.
2.Do a final count of guest.

3.Make place-cards for guest that go with table décor.

4.Make sure there are enough chairs and tables, if not go to Costco! 

5.Wash and iron linens (don’t forget the lavender linen water for napkins.)
6.Write down the final menu.
7.Gather all recipes and put in zip-loc bag, or for the more techy, make a file on your computer with all the recipes.
8.Get out all appropriate serving dishes, platters and whatever serving utensils needed.
9.Now is a good time to make sure you have enough plates, glasses and utensils.

10.Make my shopping list.

11.Clean and fill all salt and pepper shakers.( I have the mini individual shakers for my table.)

12.If you plan on cooking anything new, this is a good time to try it out first.

Handy tip: 
I place all serving pieces on my dining room chairs with a post-it note of the food that will go in them. The chairs are pushed in so out of sight out of mind, but I won’t be the one with my head in a cupboard looking for the big bowl for the mashed potatoes! 


Handy Tip:
I make a list of things I can purchase now, and the things I need to purchase fresh just a couple of days before the event.

Handy Tip: 
Make a time line for when things need to go in and out of the
oven .  I put it on a 3X5 card next to the stove. I find this helpful because by this time guest have arrived and want to visit. I personally can get side-tracked so this keeps me on track.

I know we all have our own methods, but this what has worked for me for years so I thought I would share it with you.

Do you all have some Handy tips to add? Please let us know by leaving a comment. I always love to learn from my readers.

Happy Check-list Making!!