Friday, September 28, 2012

Starting To Get My Fall-ON!!

After writing yesterdays post I actually got a little inspired myself. Funny how that works sometimes.

So, Hubby and I went out to our local Famers stand to buy some late season tomatoes, and  newly harvested pumpkins.

Sarahs Visit 10 2011 and fall touches 011 (600x800)
The tomatoes, and pumpkins were just beautiful. I felt like a kid in a candy store.

Sarahs Visit 10 2011 and fall touches 010 (800x600)
When you have that many pumpkins and tomatoes staring at you, it really is hard to know which ones to bring home.
Sarahs Visit 10 2011 and fall touches 014 (800x600)
(no orange pumpkins for me!)

I bought four different types of tomatoes, zucchini, red peppers, fresh basil, sweet corn, plums, and of course pumpkins in beautiful shades of green and white.

While in Paris we visited many stores with wonderful displays of fresh vegetables, and fruit, but none were as beautifully displayed as at Au Bon Marche Grand Epicerie………
(For more information and images go HERE)


Just look at the beautifully displayed tomatoes!
( not the tomato on the left!)
Seeing the tomatoes in bowls reminded me of how I like to arrange fresh produce to make it easily available for my family and guest…..

Fresh Produce 017 (800x689)
Not as artfully displayed as the Bon Marche, but none-the- less, hopefully inviting!!

I took my tomatoes, and a bouquet of Fall flowers and placed them near my kitchen window…..

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Caprese salad made with yellow flame, and red beefsteak tomatoes, fresh basil, mozzarella, garlic infused olive oil, sea salt and fresh cracked pepper! YUM!!

This made a great side-dish with our Spaghetti Carbonara, and fresh French bread from a local bakery…..
(I must think I am still in Paris!)


Yes! Yesterday was a perfect Fall day.