Wednesday, September 12, 2012

The Eiffel Tower Has A Suprise For ME!!!

We arrived in the afternoon and after getting acclimated to our beautiful Paris Perfect apartment we decided to take a walk.

My very first walk in Paris!!!!! The charming cobble stoned streets were lined with beautiful little shops.

I love the way the shops seem to specialize in specific items.

Paris 9-10-12 003 (800x600)

The butcher shop, the boulangier for artisan breads and special pastries, wine, cheese, flowers Oh my!!! I could go on and on.
Paris 9-10-12 006 (800x600)

Paris 9-10-12 009 (800x600)

Paris 9-10-12 010 (600x800)

Paris 9-10-12 011 (800x600)

Paris 9-10-12 012 (800x600)

We walked about five blocks to go to the street called……

Paris 9-10-12 002

Can you believe their street signs? Even their street signs are done with an artistic flair.

We stopped at a small café on a corner to have lunch. It actually turned out to be enough food to call it our dinner.

We strolled back to our apartment,  and along the way we stopped by a small Patisserie to pick up some delicious pastries for our dessert, and coffee.

We took our goodies to the apartment where we visited and looked out our terrace at the magnificence of the Eiffel Tower.

Paris 9-10-12 014 (600x800)Paris 9-10-12 016 (600x800)Paris 9-10-12 019 (600x800)

You can see how it looks as the evening progressed.
The Eiffel tower had a surprise for me,  I think it was just happy to see me!!……..

If you want to hear what I have to say, turn on your sound! I forgot videos record voices too!!!

Guess Where I Get To Go??

 My bags are packed, and I am ready to go!!

You might be wondering where I am headed. I am on my way to the San Francisco airport to take an eleven hour flight where will be arriving ………


Remember all of my wardrobe planning for the Fall? Well, part of that was for this wonderful trip.

We are a very lucky couple to be having this experience. We will be staying here…………

We get to stay in this beautifully appointed Paris apartment. If you would like to see more of the apartment you can go HERE!!

Let me show you the view from our terrace, oops, I forgot, we have not one, but two terraces to see this…….

P1030375a(1) (800x592)
(This image was actually taken from our apartment window by Bob Low)

This is what I see right outside our terrace window!

 Pinch me now!!!

It is our very first time in Paris, and I am already in love with this beautiful city.
I will try to do some post from this amazing city as our trip progresses so stay tuned………

This is Kathysue signing off from Paris……
