Monday, March 26, 2012

What Does the New Button On my Sidebar Mean?


I hope you will take the time to read this post, it is near, and dear to my heart.


I have added a button on my side bar. It is a button that says I am a Master designer.

It does not mean I AM a master designer, but I am a designer that was made by the MASTER.

I recently found a blog via one of my reader’s recommendations. It is Fieldstone Hill Designs written by the lovely Darlene.

Darlene has started a series called:

(click on above image to go to the series.)

You all know I don’t recommend something that I don’t truly love myself. This series is no different than me recommending a pretty element for a room, except for one big huge difference…….. 

.....What Darlene writes about is near, and dear to my heart. She has written two blog post in the series so far, and I highly recommend that you follow along.

Now, back to the button that says  I am a Master designer. 

Darlene wrote out a mission statement that articulated exactly how I feel about being able to have a life in design, and the place that design has in my life.

 Design has been a wonderful part of my life, and that is why I named my blog, “Good Life Of Design.”

I look at the life I have been allowed to live, and enjoy, as a true gift from God.

As I read the mission statement I actually wept, because it resonated with me deep in my core.

This is the Mission statement :

Master Designer

“I am a Master Designer.

I love Beauty;
I see potential and I want to fill it with beauty.
I aim to create something beautiful that is worthy of joy.
Design is a high calling, one that can improve the lives of others, be a means to foster relationships, and add much joy to my family.

I appreciate fine and lovely things, but they are not my treasures.
I know what is truly important, and
I do not aim to “store up my treasures here on earth.”*

I live to bring glory to God, the Ultimate Master Designer.

He created Beauty.
He created all beautiful things.

And, He created my passion for design, and set that joy in my heart.

Everything that I create,
and have created,
is because I myself was created by a Master.

I am a Master Designer.”

*{verse reference, Matthew 6:19}

This wonderful mission statement has come to me at such a perfect time in my life, and I am so grateful that once again, God used my blog,  “The  Good Life Of Design,” to take me on  another wonderful journey. I hope that you all stick around to see where it takes me.

Life is a journey, and along the way we will meet many people that we will influence, and they will influence us. 

It is important to keep your heart and eyes focused on God, and his purpose for your life. In doing this, you will have an incredible journey, not always perfect, or without heartache, but one that will take you to the place you were always meant to be.

After all, we are all in this together!